Dr. Mohan K Pradhan
Dr. Mohan K Pradhan
Other namesM K Pradhan, Mohan Pradhan, Mohan Kumar Pradhan
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Fault Detection Analysis in Rolling Element Bearing: A Review
P Gupta, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 2085-2094, 2017
Neuro-Fuzzy and Neural Network-based Prediction of Various Responses in Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI D2 Steel: NF and NN based Prediction of Responses in EDM of D2 steel
MK Pradhan, CK Biswas
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 50, 591-610, 2010
Estimating the effect of process parameters on MRR, TWR and radial overcut of EDMed AISI D2 tool steel by RSM and GRA coupled with PCA
MK Pradhan
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68 (1-4), 591-605, 2013
Characteristic Behaviour of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites: A Review
M Shukla, SK Dhakad, P Agarwal, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), 5830-5836, 2018
Modeling and Analysis of Process Parameters on Surface Roughness in EDM of AISI D2 tool Steel by RSM Approach
MK Pradhan, CK Biswas
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and …, 2009
Modeling and optimization of Electrical Discharge Machining Process using RSM: A Review
M Gangil, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 1752-1761, 2017
Comparisons of Neural Network Models on Surface Roughness in Electrical Discharge Machining
MK Pradhan, R Das, CK Biswas
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2009
Modelling of Machining Parameters for MRR in EDM using Response Surface Methodology
MK Pradhan, CK Biswas
National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to …, 2008
Effect of rice husk ash on properties of aluminium alloys: A review
S Tiwari, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 486-495, 2017
Estimating the effect of process parameters on surface integrity of EDMed AISI D2 tool steel by response surface methodology coupled with grey relational analysis
MK Pradhan
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 67 (9-12), 2051-2062, 2013
Multi-response Optimisation of EDM of AISI D2 tool Steel using Response Surface Methodology
MK Pradhan, CK Biswas
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 9 (1-2), 66-85, 2011
Review on modelling and optimization of electrical discharge machining process using modern Techniques
M Gangil, MK Pradhan, R Purohit
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 2048-2057, 2017
Multi Response optimization of injection moulding Process parameters to reduce cycle time and warpage
G Singh, MK Pradhan, A Verma
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), 8398–8405, 2018
Experimental Investigation and Modelling of Surface Integrity, Accuracy and Productivity aspects in EDM of AISI D2 Steel
MK Pradhan
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 2010
Optimization the machining parameters by using VIKOR Method during EDM process of Titanium alloy
M Gangil, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), 7486–7495, 2018
Recurrent neural network estimation of material removal rate in electrical discharge machining of AISI D2 tool steel
MK Pradhan, R Das
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2011
Determination of optimal parameters with multi response characteristics of EDM by response surface methodology, grey relational analysis and principal component analysis
MK Pradhan
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 26 (1-4), 56-80, 2012
Optimisation of EDM process for MRR, TWR and Radial overcut of D2 steel: A hybrid RSM-GRA and Entropy weight based TOPSIS Approach
MK Pradhan
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 29 (3), 273-302, 2018
Hybrid Cellulose Bionanocomposites from banana and Jute fibre: A Review of Preparation, Properties and Applications
A Rathore, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 3942-3951, 2017
Applications of TLBO algorithm on various manufacturing processes: A Review
A Tiwari, MK Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 1644-1652, 2017
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Articles 1–20