Ankit Rajkumar Singh
Cited by
Cited by
CFD analysis of suspended debris during postulated severe core damage accident of PHWR
N Dutt, AR Singh, PK Sahoo
Nuclear Engineering and Design 357, 110390, 2020
Investigation of the channel disassembly behaviour of Indian 200MWe PHWR–A numerical approach
AR Singh, PK Sahoo
Nuclear Engineering and Design 339, 137-149, 2018
Experimental study on thermo-mechanical deformation of PHWR channel at elevated temperature
AR Singh, A Tariq, P Majumdar
Nuclear Engineering and Design 364, 110634, 2020
Longitudinal deformation study of pressure tube of Indian PHWR under high temperature transient
AR Singh, A Tariq, PK Sahoo, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
Annals of Nuclear Energy 155, 108160, 2021
Transient channel sagging measurements under severe thermal loading condition: an optical imaging approach
AR Singh, A Tariq
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 14 (3), 031005, 2022
Experimental study on thermally assisted sagging deflection and interaction of multiple coolant channels
AR Singh, A Tariq, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 384, 111466, 2021
An insight on deformation of pressurized heavy water reactor coolant channel at extreme temperature in an oxidizing environment
AR Singh, A Tariq, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44 …, 2022
Effects of elevated temperature steam oxidation and subsequent quenching on light water reactor clad
AR Singh, B Puranik, O Gokhale, D Mukhopadhyay
Progress in Nuclear Energy 155, 104510, 2023
Numerical study on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of flattened microfin tubes
AR Singh, AK Solanki
Chemical Product and Process Modeling 18 (2), 295-312, 2023
Heat transfer and pressure drop penalty study in flattened micro-finned tubes
AR Singh, AK Solanki, N Dutt
Advances in Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems …, 2023
Effect of heat-up and oxidation on the PHWR channel under severe accident scenario-an experimental study
AR Singh, A Tariq, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 197, 104652, 2022
Single and Multiple Channel Sagging Study under Severe Heat-up Conditions
AR Singh
IIT Roorkee, 2020
Edge Detection Technique to Measure High Temperature transient sagging under Severe Heatup
AR Singh, A Tariq, PK Sahoo, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and …, 2019
Development of experimental facility to study channel disassembly behaviour for indian phw reactor during heatup
PK Sahoo, A Singh
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 51487, V06AT08A029, 2018
Study of thermo-mechanical deformation of scaled down fuel channel under Heatup
AR Singh, PK Sahoo, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
Proceedings of the 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and …, 2017
Numerical analysis of turbulent flow in tubes with longitudinal fin using Al2O3-water nanofluids
AK Solanki, AR Singh, N Dutt
Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, 159-175, 2024
Study on the integrity of prolonged steam oxidized clad column quenched at various reflood rates
AR Singh, B Puranik, O Gokhale, D Mukhopadhyay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 402, 112109, 2023
Numerical Analysis of Limited LOCA Event Involving Deflection of Pressure Tube
AR Singh, N Dutt, PK Sahoo
Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 147-163, 2021
Study of thermal response of scaled channel under low heatup
AR Singh, A Tariq, PK Sahoo, P Majumdar, D Mukhopadhyay
Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and …, 2019
Thermo-Structural Analysis of Two-Channel Simultaneous Deformation in I-PHWR under Heatup
AR Singh, PK Sahoo
5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems …, 2018
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Articles 1–20