Stefan Schweinberger
Stefan Schweinberger
Professor für Allgemeine Psychologie, University of Jena
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Event-related brain potential evidence for a response of inferior temporal cortex to familiar face repetitions
SR Schweinberger, EC Pickering, I Jentzsch, AM Burton, JM Kaufmann
Cognitive Brain Research 14 (3), 398-409, 2002
Attention capture by faces
SRH Langton, AS Law, AM Burton, SR Schweinberger
Cognition 107 (1), 330-342, 2008
Repetition priming and associative priming of face recognition: Evidence from event-related potentials.
SR Schweinberger, EM Pfütze, W Sommer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21 (3), 722, 1995
Asymmetric relationships among perceptions of facial identity, emotion, and facial speech.
SR Schweinberger, GR Soukup
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 24 (6 …, 1998
N250r: a face-selective brain response to stimulus repetitions
SR Schweinberger, V Huddy, AM Burton
Neuroreport 15 (9), 1501-1505, 2004
Covert recognition and the neural system for face processing
SR Schweinberger, AM Burton
Cortex 39 (1), 9-30, 2003
What's special about personally familiar faces? A multimodal approach
G Herzmann, SR Schweinberger, W Sommer, I Jentzsch
Psychophysiology 41 (5), 688-701, 2004
Human brain potential correlates of repetition priming in face and name recognition
SR Schweinberger, EC Pickering, AM Burton, JM Kaufmann
Neuropsychologia 40 (12), 2057-2073, 2002
Age-related slowing in face and name recognition: evidence from event-related brain potentials.
EM Pfütze, W Sommer, SR Schweinberger
Psychology and aging 17 (1), 140, 2002
Expertise and own-race bias in face processing: an event-related potential study
J Stahl, H Wiese, SR Schweinberger
Neuroreport 19 (5), 583-587, 2008
Familiarity enhances invariance of face representations in human ventral visual cortex: fMRI evidence
E Eger, SR Schweinberger, RJ Dolan, RN Henson
Neuroimage 26 (4), 1128-1139, 2005
Mental representations of familiar faces
AM Burton, R Jenkins, SR Schweinberger
British Journal of Psychology 102 (4), 943-958, 2011
N250 ERP correlates of the acquisition of face representations across different images
JM Kaufmann, SR Schweinberger, AM Burton
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (4), 625-641, 2009
Repetition effects in human ERPs to faces
SR Schweinberger, MF Neumann
Cortex 80, 141-153, 2016
The age of the beholder: ERP evidence of an own-age bias in face memory
H Wiese, SR Schweinberger, K Hansen
Neuropsychologia 46 (12), 2973-2985, 2008
Asymmetric dependencies in perceiving identity and emotion: Experiments with morphed faces
SR Schweinberger, AM Burton, SW Kelly
Perception & Psychophysics 61 (6), 1102-1115, 1999
Expression influences the recognition of familiar faces
JM Kaufmann, SR Schweinberger
Perception 33 (4), 399-408, 2004
Face and voice perception: Understanding commonalities and differences
AW Young, S Frühholz, SR Schweinberger
Trends in cognitive sciences 24 (5), 398-410, 2020
Arguments against a configural processing account of familiar face recognition
AM Burton, SR Schweinberger, R Jenkins, JM Kaufmann
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10 (4), 482-496, 2015
Influences of fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, aperiodicity, and spectrum level on the perception of voice gender
VG Skuk, SR Schweinberger
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2014
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Articles 1–20