Joey A Lee
Joey A Lee
Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
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Comparison of consumer and research monitors under semistructured settings
Y Bai, GJ Welk, YH Nam, JA Lee, JM Lee, Y Kim, NF Meier, PM Dixon
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48 (1), 151-158, 2016
Concurrent validation of the Actigraph gt3x+, Polar Active accelerometer, Omron HJ-720 and Yamax Digiwalker SW-701 pedometer step counts in lab-based and free-living settings
JA Lee, SM Williams, DD Brown, KR Laurson
Journal of sports sciences 33 (10), 991-1000, 2015
Concurrent associations between physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration with childhood obesity
KR Laurson, JA Lee, DA Gentile, DA Walsh, JC Eisenmann
International Scholarly Research Notices 2014 (1), 204540, 2014
The cumulative impact of physical activity, sleep duration, and television time on adolescent obesity: 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
KR Laurson, JA Lee, JC Eisenmann
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 12 (3), 355-360, 2015
Socioeconomic status and physical fitness in youth: Findings from the NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey
AM Wolfe, JA Lee, KR Laurson
Journal of sports sciences 38 (5), 534-541, 2020
Evaluating the implementation of the SWITCH® school wellness intervention and capacity-building process through multiple methods
GM McLoughlin, P Candal, S Vazou, JA Lee, DA Dzewaltowski, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 17, 1-18, 2020
Evaluation of a resiliency focused health coaching intervention for middle school students: building resilience for healthy kids program
JA Lee, E Heberlein, E Pyle, T Caughlan, D Rahaman, M Sabin, JL Kaar
American Journal of Health Promotion 35 (3), 344-351, 2021
Feasibility study of the SWITCH implementation process for enhancing school wellness
S Chen, DA Dzewaltowski, RR Rosenkranz, L Lanningham-Foster, ...
BMC Public Health 18, 1-11, 2018
Association between comprehensive school physical activity program implementation and principal support
JA Lee, GJ Welk
Health Promotion Practice 22 (2), 257-265, 2021
Validity of the SenseWear armband step count measure during controlled and free-living conditions
JA Lee, KR Laurson
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness 13 (1), 16-23, 2015
The Importance of Self-Monitoring for Behavior Change in Youth: Findings from the SWITCH® School Wellness Feasibility Study
GM McLoughlin, RR Rosenkranz, JA Lee, MM Wolff, S Chen, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (20), 3806, 2019
Evaluation of a Large-Scale School Wellness intervention through the Consolidated Framework for implementation research (CFIR): implications for dissemination and sustainability
GM McLoughlin, R Sweeney, L Liechty, JA Lee, RR Rosenkranz, GJ Welk
Frontiers in Health Services 2, 881639, 2022
Study protocol for a school-based single group pragmatic trial to promote resilience in youth: Building resilience for Healthy Kids
JA Lee, E Heberlein, E Pyle, T Caughlan, D Rahaman, M Sabin, JL Kaar
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 21, 100721, 2021
Obesity and insulin resistance screening tools in American adolescents: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 to 2010
JA Lee, KR Laurson
Canadian journal of diabetes 40 (4), 311-317, 2016
Development and application of tools to assess elementary school wellness environments and readiness for wellness change
J Lee
Iowa State University, 2018
School wellness environments: Perceptions versus realities
JA Lee, GM McLoughlin, GJ Welk
The Journal of School Nursing 38 (3), 241-248, 2022
Field evaluation of handgrip and vertical jump assessments in physical education
JA Lee, J Velthoff, GJ Welk
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 26 (4), 352-360, 2022
The utility of the youth activity profile for assessing and promoting physical activity in physical education
GJ Welk, GM McLoughlin, JA Lee, J Carrasco
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 94 (1), 24-31, 2023
A cluster-randomized trial comparing two SWITCH implementation support strategies for school wellness intervention effectiveness
RR Rosenkranz, PM Dixon, DA Dzewaltowski, GM McLoughlin, JA Lee, ...
Journal of Sport and Health Science 12 (1), 87-96, 2023
Sleep moderates improvements in mental health outcomes in youth: building resilience for healthy kids
SL Simon, MA Ware, AE Bowen, JL Chandrasekhar, JA Lee, ...
American Journal of Health Promotion 36 (5), 772-780, 2022
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Articles 1–20