Daniel Cunliffe
Daniel Cunliffe
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Cited by
Developing usable Web sites–a review and model
D Cunliffe
Internet Research 10 (4), 295-308, 2000
Usability evaluation for museum web sites
D Cunliffe, E Kritou, D Tudhope
Museum management and curatorship 19 (3), 229-252, 2001
Young bilinguals' language behaviour in social networking sites: The use of Welsh on Facebook
D Cunliffe, D Morris, C Prys
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 18 (3), 339-361, 2013
Minority languages and the Internet: New threats, new opportunities
D Cunliffe
Multilingual Matters 138, 133, 2007
Query expansion via conceptual distance in thesaurus indexed collections
D Tudhope, C Binding, D Blocks, D Cunliffe
Journal of Documentation 62 (4), 509-533, 2006
The use of the Welsh language on Facebook: An initial investigation
C Honeycutt, D Cunliffe
Information, Communication & Society 13 (2), 226-248, 2010
Query-based navigation in semantically indexed hypermedia
D Cunliffe, C Taylor, D Tudhope
Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on Hypertext, 87-95, 1997
Introduction to minority languages, multimedia and the web
D Cunliffe, SC Herring
New review of hypermedia and multimedia 11 (2), 131-137, 2005
Twitter and the Welsh language
RJ Jones, D Cunliffe, ZR Honeycutt
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 34 (7), 653-671, 2013
Minority languages and social media
D Cunliffe
The Palgrave handbook of minority languages and communities, 451-480, 2019
Investigating the differential use of Welsh in young speakers’ social networks: A comparison of communication in face-to-face settings, in electronic texts and on social …
D Cunliffe, D Morris, C Prys, EH Jones, E Uribe-Jongbloed
Social media and minority languages, 75-86, 2013
What can hashtags tell us about minority languages on Twitter? A comparison of# cymraeg,# frysk, and# gaeilge
S McMonagle, D Cunliffe, L Jongbloed-Faber, P Jarvis
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (1), 32-49, 2019
The Welsh language on the internet: linguistic resistance in the age of the network society
D Cunliffe
Internationalizing Internet Studies, 108-123, 2010
Information architecture for bilingual Web sites
D Cunliffe, H Jones, M Jarvis, K Egan, R Huws, S Munro
Journal of the American society for Information Science and Technology 53 …, 2002
Promoting minority-language use in a bilingual online community
D Cunliffe, R Harries
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 11 (2), 157-179, 2005
Semantically indexed hypermedia: linking information disciplines
D Tudhope, D Cunliffe
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 31 (4es), 4-es, 1999
Qualitative evaluation of thesaurus-based retrieval
D Blocks, C Binding, D Cunliffe, D Tudhope
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 6th European …, 2002
Learning a minority language through authentic conversation using an online social learning method
M Henry, F Carroll, D Cunliffe, R Kop
Computer Assisted Language Learning 31 (4), 321-345, 2018
Trailblazing: trends in hypermedia
D Cunliffe
New review of hypermedia and multimedia 6 (1), 19-46, 2000
Promoting minority language use on bilingual Web sites
D Cunliffe
Mercator media forum 7 (1), 42-53, 2004
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Articles 1–20