Prita Pant
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Cited by
Probing thermal expansion of graphene and modal dispersion at low-temperature using graphene nanoelectromechanical systems resonators
V Singh, S Sengupta, HS Solanki, R Dhall, A Allain, S Dhara, P Pant, ...
Nanotechnology 21 (16), 165204, 2010
Polymer nanocomposite nanomechanical cantilever sensors: material characterization, device development and application in explosive vapour detection
V Seena, A Fernandes, P Pant, S Mukherji, VR Rao
Nanotechnology 22 (29), 295501, 2011
On the widths of orientation gradient zones adjacent to grain boundaries
SK Mishra, P Pant, K Narasimhan, AD Rollett, I Samajdar
Scripta materialia 61 (3), 273-276, 2009
Dislocation interactions in thin FCC metal films
P Pant, KW Schwarz, SP Baker
Acta materialia 51 (11), 3243-3258, 2003
Polymer microcantilever biochemical sensors with integrated polymer composites for electrical detection
V Seena, A Rajorya, P Pant, S Mukherji, VR Rao
Solid State Sciences 11 (9), 1606-1611, 2009
Suppressed martensitic transformation under biaxial loading in low stacking fault energy metastable austenitic steels
E Polatidis, WN Hsu, M Šmíd, T Panzner, S Chakrabarty, P Pant, ...
Scripta Materialia 147, 27-32, 2018
“Organic CantiFET”: A Nanomechanical Polymer Cantilever Sensor With Integrated OFET
V Seena, A Nigam, P Pant, S Mukherji, VR Rao
Journal of Microelectromechanical systems 21 (2), 294-301, 2011
Wrinkling of atomic planes in ultrathin Au nanowires
A Roy, S Kundu, K Müller, A Rosenauer, S Singh, P Pant, MP Gururajan, ...
Nano letters 14 (8), 4859-4866, 2014
Texture development and plastic deformation in a pilgered Zircaloy-4 tube
J Singh, S Mahesh, G Kumar, P Pant, D Srivastava, GK Dey, N Saibaba, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 1927-1947, 2015
Deformation behaviour of an as-cast nickel base superalloy during primary hot working above and below the gamma prime solvus
K Sahithya, I Balasundar, P Pant, T Raghu, HK Nandi, V Singh, P Ghosal, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 754, 521-534, 2019
Quantifying the mesoscopic shear strains in plane strain compressed polycrystalline zirconium
N Keskar, S Mukherjee, KVM Krishna, D Srivastava, GK Dey, P Pant, ...
Acta materialia 69, 265-274, 2014
Deformation twinning in zircaloy 2
SK Sahoo, VD Hiwarkar, I Samajdar, P Pant, GK Dey, D Srivastav, ...
Materials Science and Technology 26 (1), 104-114, 2010
Role of stacking fault energy (SFE) on the high strain rate deformation of cold sprayed Cu and Cu–Al alloy coatings
NM Chavan, PS Phani, M Ramakrishna, L Venkatesh, P Pant, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 814, 141242, 2021
Automated reconstruction of pre-transformation microstructures in zirconium
KVM Krishna, P Tripathi, VD Hiwarkar, P Pant, I Samajdar, D Srivastava, ...
Scripta materialia 62 (6), 391-394, 2010
Primary hot working characteristics of an as-cast and homogenized nickel base superalloy DMR-742 in the sub and super-solvus temperature regime
K Sahithya, I Balasundar, P Pant, T Raghu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 821, 153455, 2020
Deformed microstructures of two-phase Zr–2.5 Nb alloy: Effects of the second phase hardness
SK Sahoo, VD Hiwarkar, L Jain, I Samajdar, P Pant, GK Dey, D Srivastav, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 404 (3), 222-230, 2010
Deformation twinning in zirconium: direct experimental observations and polycrystal plasticity predictions
J Singh, S Mahesh, G Kumar, P Pant, D Srivastava, GK Dey, N Saibaba, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 5058-5071, 2015
Crystallographic orientation and boundary effects on misorientation development in austenitic stainless steel
S Chakrabarty, SK Mishra, P Pant
Materials Science and Engineering: A 617, 228-234, 2014
Presence and absence of significant twinning: Effects on cold deformed microstructures of single phase Zircaloy 2
SK Sahoo, VD Hiwarkar, A Majumdar, I Samajdar, P Pant, GK Dey, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 518 (1-2), 47-55, 2009
Thermal drift in room temperature nanoindentation experiments: Measurement and correction
S Verma, P Sarkar, P Pant
Journal of Materials Research 36, 3436-3444, 2021
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Articles 1–20