Aniruddha Tammewar
Aniruddha Tammewar
PhD student, Speech and Interactive Systems Lab, University of Trento, Italy
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Cited by
Iiit-h system submission for fire2014 shared task on transliterated search
IA Bhat, V Mujadia, A Tammewar, RA Bhat, M Shrivastava
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval …, 2014
SEECAT: Speech & Eye-tracking Enabled Computer Assisted Translation
M Garcia-Martinez, K Singla, A Tammewar, B Mesa-Lao, A Thakur, ...
European Association for Machine Translation: EAMT, 81--88, 2014
Production Ready Chatbots: Generate if not Retrieve
A Tammewar, M Pamecha, C Jain, A Nagvenkar, K Modi
The Workshops of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Two-stage approach for hindi dependency parsing using maltparser
N Jain, K Singla, A Tammewar, S Jain
Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian …, 2012
Emotion Carrier Recognition from Personal Narratives
A Tammewar, A Cervone, G Riccardi
INTERSPEECH 2021, 2020
Annotation of Emotion Carriers in Personal Narratives
A Tammewar, A Cervone, EM Messner, G Riccardi
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2020
Exploring semantic information in hindi wordnet for hindi dependency parsing
S Jain, N Jain, A Tammewar, RA Bhat, DM Sharma
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2013
Modeling user context for valence prediction from narratives
A Tammewar, A Cervone, EM Messner, G Riccardi
INTERSPEECH 2019, 2019
Can Distributed Word Embeddings be an alternative to costly linguistic features: A Study on Parsing Hindi
DMS Aniruddha Tammewar, Karan Singla, Bhasha Agrawal, Riyaz Bhat
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically …, 2015
Detecting Emotion Carriers by Combining Acoustic and Lexical Representations
GR Sebastian P. Bayerl, Aniruddha Tammewar, Aniruddha Tammewar
ASRU 2021, 2021
Enhancing ASR by MT using Semantic information from Hindi WordNet
MC Aniruddha Tammewar, Karan Singla, Srinivas
ICON-2013: 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2013
Annotation of Valence Unfolding in Spoken Personal Narratives
A Tammewar, F Braun, G Roccabruna, S Bayerl, K Riedhammer, ...
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
Can emotion carriers explain automatic sentiment prediction? A study on personal narratives
SM Mousavi, G Roccabruna, A Tammewar, S Azzolin, G Riccardi
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2022
Deep Emotion Analysis of Personal Narratives
AU Tammewar
Università degli studi di Trento, 2023
Efficient Dialog State Tracking Using Gated-Intent based Slot Operation Prediction for On-device Dialog Systems
P Patil, H Choi, R Samal, G Kaur, M Jhawar, A Tammewar, S Mukherjee
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language …, 2022
Cost Effective Dependency Parsing for Indian Languages
A Tammewar
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, 2015
SEECAT: ASR & Eye-tracking Enabled Computer-Assisted Translation
M Garcıa-Martınez, K Singla, A Tammewar, B Mesa-Lao, A Thakur, ...
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Articles 1–17