Saurabh Chandra
Cited by
Cited by
Design of a sustainable maritime multi-modal distribution network–Case study from automotive logistics
B Dong, M Christiansen, K Fagerholt, S Chandra
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 143, 102086, 2020
Liner shipping industry and oil price volatility: Dynamic connectedness and portfolio diversification
D Maitra, S Chandra, SR Dash
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 138, 101962, 2020
Combined fleet deployment and inventory management in roll-on/roll-off shipping
S Chandra, M Christiansen, K Fagerholt
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2016
Outbound logistics management practices in the automotive industry: an emerging economy perspective
S Chandra, D Ghosh, SK Srivastava
Decision 43 (2), 145-165, 2016
Analysing the modal shift from road-based to coastal shipping-based distribution–a case study of outbound automotive logistics in India
S Chandra, M Christiansen, K Fagerholt
Maritime Policy & Management 47 (2), 273-286, 2020
Multi-product maritime inventory routing with optional cargoes: An application to outbound automotive logistics
S Chandra, RK Srivastava, Y Agarwal
Journal of Advances in Management Research 10 (2), 206-229, 2013
Capacitated facility location–allocation problem for wastewater treatment in an industrial cluster
S Chandra, M Sarkhel, AK Vatsa
Computers & Operations Research, 105338, 2021
Maritime Fleet Deployment in ro-ro Shipping under Inventory Constraints
S Chandra, K Fagerholt, M Christiansen
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 189, 362-375, 2015
A roadmap for internal reforms and other actions required to enhance exports in logistic services from India
S Srivastava, S Chandra
Services Conclave on “Promoting Services Export from India – Challenges …, 2013
A New Formulation for the Combined Maritime Fleet Deployment and Inventory Management Problem
B Dong, T Bektaş, S Chandra, M Christiansen, K Fagerholt
International Conference on Computational Logistics, 321-335, 2017
An Empirical Analysis of Inventory Turnover Performance in the Indian Trading Sector
S Chandra, R Arrawatia
Available at SSRN 2635886, 2015
Roadblocks to sustainable logistics in India's auto industry
S Chandra, D Ghosh, S Nimje
Supply Chain Management Review, 2018
Coastal Shipping for Automobile Distribution
S Chandra, AK Vatsa
INFORMS Transactions on Education, 2021
Route Planning at an Animal Husbandry Department
S Choudhari, S Chandra
INFORMS Transactions on Education, 2021
Container Security Management; A State-of-the-Art Literature Review and Research Agenda
S Chandra, 2015
Chemibulk Carriers: An Integrative Maritime Logistics Approach to Increase Flexibility and Profitability
S Chandra, P Raj, RK Srivastava
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Articles 1–16