Spectroscopic features of manganese doped tellurite borate glass ceramics NV T. Satyanarayana a,n, M.A. Valente b, G. Nagarjuna c | 33* | |
Synthesis, characterization, and spectroscopic properties of ZnO nanoparticles. ISRN Nanotechnol 2012: 1–6 S Talam, SR Karumuri, N Gunnam | 27 | 2012 |
Cobalt ion as a structural probe in PbO?As2O3 glass ceramics NV G. Nagarjuna a, T. Satyanarayana b, Y. Gandhib, P.V.V. Satyanarayana a | 21* | |
Structural investigations on P2O5-CaO-Na2O-K2O: SrO bioactive glass ceramics PSP T. Satyanarayanaa, M. Vasu Babua, G. Nagarjunab, D.V. Rama Koti Reddyc ... | 13* | |
Spectral features of lead arsenate glasses doped with copper oxide GNKRK T. Satyanarayana1* | 3* | |
Synthesis and Spectral Characteristics of CoO mixed ZnO-Bi2O3-B2O3 Glasses B Chandrasekhar, G Nagarjuna, S Ramesh, BV Raghavaiah SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology 14 (01 …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Preparation and structural characterization of P2O5-CaO-Na2O: CuO glasses S Talam, R Busi, N Gunnam, PS Prasad, VR Penugonda Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 21 (7-8), 530-535, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Structural and luminescent properties of Fe3+ doped tin oxide thin films by spray pyrolysis RKNRM M. C. RAOa,*, K. RAVINDRANADHb, T. SATYANARAYANAc, G. NAGARJUNAd | 1* | |
Dielectric investigations on metal (Ni and Cu) tetrahydroxy phenyl porphyrins in PMMA polymer matrix P Prasanth, S Talam, B Ramakrishna, G Nagarjuna, R Busi, MC Rao, ... Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 371-374, 2022 | | 2022 |
Effect of change in CaO concentration on spectroscopic properties of Tm3+ ions in phosphate glasses T Satyanarayana, T Mukherjee, G Nagarjuna Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 18 (September-October 2016 …, 2016 | | 2016 |
Dielectric studies on alkali borate glasses mixed with iron oxide NTVNLGN T. Satyanarayana1*, K. Srinivasa Rao1 | | |
Investigation on Luminescence Properties of P2O5-CaO-Na2O-K2O: Tm2O3 Glasses BNNSR T. Satyanarayana1*, P. Krishna Kanth2, G. Nagarjuna3 | | |
Thermodynamic and Gas Sensing Properties of Cu2+ Doped SnO2Thin Films MMGN M.C. Rao1*, K. Ravindranadh1, T. Srikumar1, G.V. Ramana2, K.L. Sirisha2 ... | | |
Luminescent and Gas Sensing Properties of SnO2 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition KSMSS M. C. Rao1*, K. Ravindranadh2, T. Satyanarayana3, Y. Dasaradhudu4, G ... | | |
Structural and Vibrational Studies on Co2+ Doped SnO2Thin Films YHRMCR K. Ravindranadh1, S. Shantkriti2, M. Ramakrishna Nanchara Rao3, G ... | | |
Optical, electrical and photoluminescence studies on Al2O3 doped PVA capped ZnO nanoparticles for optoelectronic device application * Ravindranadh Koutavarapua, R.K.N.R. Manepallib, B.T.P. Madhavc, T ... | | |
Optical, electrical and photoluminescence studies on Al2O3 doped PVA capped ZnO nanoparticles for optoelectronic device application * Ravindranadh Koutavarapua, R.K.N.R. Manepallib, B.T.P. Madhavc, T ... | | |