Dr R Prabakaran
Dr R Prabakaran
Assistant Professor in Botany PSG College of Arts & Science
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Cited by
Preliminary phytochemical screening and GC-MS analysis of methanol extract of Ceropegia pusilla
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran
International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences 1 …, 2013
Phyto medicinal compounds from Urginea indica Kunth: A synthetic drugs potential alternative
R Prabakaran, B Joseph, PN Pradeep
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 11 (5), 1-9, 2016
Effect of microbial and chemical fertilizer on egg plant (Solanum melongena Linn.) C. Var CO-2
P Latha, S Jeyaraman, R Prabakaran
Int J Pure Appl Biosci 2, 119-124, 2014
Antibacterial activity of the whole plant of Caralluma nilagiriana Kumari et Subba Rao–an endemic medicinal plant species
R Prabakaran, K Kalimuthu
Int J Pharm Bio Sci 4 (1), 42-48, 2013
Angiogenesis and antioxidant activity of in vitro and in vivo tuber of ceropegia pusilla wight and arn
R Prabakaran, K Kalimuthu, C Vani, C Brindha
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 4 (5), 608, 2014
Study effects of microbial and chemical fertilizer on yield components in Brinjal (Solanum melongena Linn.) C. Var CO-2
P Latha, S Jeyaraman, R Prabakaran
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 3 (8 …, 2014
Regeneration of Shoots from Callus of Ceropegia pusilla Wight and ARN
R Prabakaran, T Sasikala, K Kalimuthu
British Biotechnology Journal 3 (3), 416-423, 2013
In vitro flowering from nodal explants of Ceropegia pusilla Wight and Arn
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran
Int J Bot Res 3 (3), 35-42, 2013
Genetic diversity, trait relationship and path analysis in eggplant landraces
RKS Prabakaran, S Balakrishnan, S RameshKumar, T Arumugam, ...
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 6 (3), 831-837, 2015
Antiangiogenic activity of Boucerosia diffusa and Boucerosia truncatocoronata extracts in chick Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM)
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran, M Saraswathy
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 3 (8 …, 2014
Microtuberization of Ceropegia pusilla Wight and Arn. an endangered medicinal plant
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran, S Paulsamy, S Jeyaraman
European Journal of Medicinal Plants 4 (1), 64-74, 2013
Micropropagation of Ceropegia pusilla-medicinally important Plant.
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran
Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants 14, 2013
GCMS, phytochemicals and antioxidant activities of in vitro callus extracts of Strobilanthes kunthiana (Nees) T. Anderson ex Benth: An endemic plant of Acanthaceae
R Prabakaran, E Kirutheka
Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (10), 359-372, 2018
In vitro propagation of Caralluma diffusa (Wight) NE Br
K Kalimuthu, K Kalaiyarasi, R Prabakaran, T Sasikala
British Biotechnology Journal 4 (2), 164-172, 2014
In vitro Micropropagation of Syngonium podophyllum
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci 2 (4), 88-92, 2014
Phytochemical screening and GC-MS analysis of methanol extract of Ceropegia pusilla in vitro Tuber
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran
Int J Inv Pharm Sci 4, 376-83, 2013
Antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activities of Turnera ulmifolia (Yellow Alder) Callus
K Kalimuthu, V Chinnadurai, R Prabakaran, P Subramaniam, Y Juliet
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 9 (5), 1-12, 2016
Direct and indirect micropropagation of Turnera ulmifolia (L.) a medicinal plant.
K Kalimuthu, R Prabakaran, V Preetha
Comparative study of GCMS, antimicrobial, antioxidant activity of callus and leaf extracts from Baccharoides anthelmintica (L.) Moench
K Kalimuthu, V Chinnadurai, R Prabakaran, M Saraswathy
Research Journal of Biotechnology 11 (11), 49-63, 2016
GCMS analysis of leaf and salt stress callus of eggplant (Solanum melongene L)
A Vanitha, K Kalimuthu, V Chinnadurai, Y Sharmila, R Prabakaran
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 14 (6), 1-11, 2016
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Articles 1–20