Ezgi Mercan
Ezgi Mercan
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Cited by
Y-Net: joint segmentation and classification for diagnosis of breast biopsy images
S Mehta, E Mercan, J Bartlett, D Weaver, JG Elmore, L Shapiro
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Detection and classification of cancer in whole slide breast histopathology images using deep convolutional networks
B Gecer, S Aksoy, E Mercan, LG Shapiro, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
Pattern recognition 84, 345-356, 2018
Multi-instance multi-label learning for multi-class classification of whole slide breast histopathology images
C Mercan, S Aksoy, E Mercan, LG Shapiro, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (1), 316-325, 2017
Localization of diagnostically relevant regions of interest in whole slide images: a comparative study
E Mercan, S Aksoy, LG Shapiro, DL Weaver, TT Brunyé, JG Elmore
Journal of digital imaging 29, 496-506, 2016
Accuracy is in the eyes of the pathologist: the visual interpretive process and diagnostic accuracy with digital whole slide images
TT Brunyé, E Mercan, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
Journal of biomedical informatics 66, 171-179, 2017
Assessment of machine learning of breast pathology structures for automated differentiation of breast cancer and high-risk proliferative lesions
E Mercan, S Mehta, J Bartlett, LG Shapiro, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
JAMA network open 2 (8), e198777-e198777, 2019
A prognostic model of surgical site infection using daily clinical wound assessment
PC Sanger, GH van Ramshorst, E Mercan, S Huang, AL Hartzler, ...
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 223 (2), 259-270. e2, 2016
Unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity: foundation-based approach to primary rhinoplasty
WT Raymond, E Mercan, DM Fisher, RA Hopper, CB Birgfeld, JS Gruss
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 144 (5), 1138-1149, 2019
Learning to segment breast biopsy whole slide images
S Mehta, E Mercan, J Bartlett, D Weaver, J Elmore, L Shapiro
2018 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision (WACV), 663-672, 2018
Objective assessment of the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry: severity and outcome
E Mercan, M Oestreich, DM Fisher, AC Allori, SP Beals, TD Samson, ...
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 141 (4), 547e-558e, 2018
Unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity: three-dimensional analysis of the primary deformity and longitudinal changes following primary correction of the nasal foundation
WT Raymond, R Knight, M Oestreich, M Rosser, E Mercan
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 145 (1), 185-199, 2020
A randomized study comparing digital imaging to traditional glass slide microscopy for breast biopsy and cancer diagnosis
JG Elmore, GM Longton, MS Pepe, PA Carney, HD Nelson, KH Allison, ...
Journal of pathology informatics 8 (1), 12, 2017
Characterizing diagnostic search patterns in digital breast pathology: scanners and drillers
E Mercan, LG Shapiro, TT Brunyé, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
Journal of digital imaging 31, 32-41, 2018
Machine learning techniques for mitoses classification
S Nofallah, S Mehta, E Mercan, S Knezevich, CJ May, D Weaver, D Witten, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 87, 101832, 2021
Cranial growth in isolated sagittal craniosynostosis compared with normal growth in the first 6 months of age
E Mercan, RA Hopper, AM Maga
Journal of anatomy 236 (1), 105-116, 2020
Breast cancer prognostic factors in the digital era: comparison of Nottingham grade using whole slide images and glass slides
TM Davidson, MH Rendi, PD Frederick, T Onega, KH Allison, E Mercan, ...
Journal of Pathology Informatics 10 (1), 11, 2019
Alpelisib for the treatment of PIK3CA-related head and neck lymphatic malformations and overgrowth
TL Wenger, S Ganti, C Bull, E Lutsky, JT Bennett, K Zenner, DM Jensen, ...
Genetics in Medicine 24 (11), 2318-2328, 2022
Pupil diameter changes reflect difficulty and diagnostic accuracy during medical image interpretation
TT Brunyé, MD Eddy, E Mercan, KH Allison, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
BMC medical informatics and decision making 16, 1-8, 2016
Region of interest identification and diagnostic agreement in breast pathology
DB Nagarkar, E Mercan, DL Weaver, TT Brunyé, PA Carney, MH Rendi, ...
Modern Pathology 29 (9), 1004-1011, 2016
From patch-level to ROI-level deep feature representations for breast histopathology classification
C Mercan, S Aksoy, E Mercan, LG Shapiro, DL Weaver, JG Elmore
Medical Imaging 2019: Digital Pathology 10956, 86-93, 2019
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Articles 1–20