Vandana Vikas  Thakare
Vandana Vikas Thakare
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Bandwidth analysis by introducing slots in microstrip antenna design using ANN
VV Thakare, PK Singhal
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 9, 107-122, 2009
Microstrip antenna design using artificial neural networks
VV Thakare, P Singhal
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering: Co …, 2010
Neural network based CAD model for the design of rectangular patch antennas
VV Thakare, P Singhal
Journal of Engineering and Technology Research 2 (7), 126-129, 2010
Microstrip moisture sensor based on microstrip patch antenna
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare, J Mishra
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 76, 177-185, 2018
Design of microstrip moisture sensor for determination of moisture content in rice with improved mean relative error
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare, J Mishra
Microwave and optical technology letters 61 (7), 1764-1768, 2019
Dual-band rectenna system for biomedical wireless applications
SS Ojha, PK Singhal, VV Thakare
Measurement: Sensors 24, 100532, 2022
Design and analysis of moisture content of hevea latex rubber using microstrip patch antenna with DGS
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare, J Mishra
Materials Today: Proceedings 29, 556-560, 2020
Artificial Intelligence in the estimation of patch dimensions of Rectangular Microstrip Antennas
VV Thakare, P Singhal
Circuits and Systems 2 (04), 330, 2011
Calculation of microstrip antenna bandwidth using Artificial Neural Network
VV Thakare, P Singhal, K Das
2008 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, 404-406, 2008
Performance comparison of various filters for removing Gaussian and Poisson noises
PS Chahar, V Thakare
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 (5), 1101-1105, 2015
Design and analysis of H-shape patch sensor for rice quality detection
S Jain, PK Mishra, J Mishra, VV Thakare
Materials Today: Proceedings 29, 581-586, 2020
The Analysis and Design of Circular Microstrip Moisture Sensor for Rice Grains
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare
Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 6449-6456, 2021
Analysis of microstrip rectangular patch antenna as a strain sensor
N Sharama, VV Thakare
International of Research in Electronic and Communication Technology 2 (2 …, 2015
Estimation of s11 values of patch antenna using various machine learning models
R Jain, P Ranjan, PK Singhal, VV Thakare
2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and …, 2022
Design and Comparative Analysis of THz Antenna through Machine Learning for 6G Connectivity
R Jain, VV Thakare, PK Singhal
IEEE Latin America Transactions 22 (2), 82-91, 2024
Design and Analysis of Dual Frequency Microwave Moisture Sensor Based On Rectangular Microstrip Antenna
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare
Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 6441-6448, 2021
Analysis and optimal design of moisture sensor for rice grain moisture measurement
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare
AIP Conference Proceedings 1942 (1), 2018
Design and analysis of microstrip moisture sensor for the determination of moisture content in soil
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare
Indian journal of science and technology 9 (43), 1-6, 2016
Analysis of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Radial Basis Artificial Neural Network
VV Thakare, SS Jadon, R Kumari
International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering 1 (3), 2012
Rice moisture detection based on oven drying technique using microstrip ring sensor
S Jain, PK Mishra, VV Thakare
Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information Processing: ICoEVCI …, 2019
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