Dasmesh Institute of Research and Dental Sciences, Faridkot, Punjab, India
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Role of sugar and sugar substitutes in dental caries: a review
P Gupta, N Gupta, AP Pawar, SS Birajdar, AS Natt, HP Singh
ISRN dentistry 2013, 2013
Cleft of lip and palate: A review
T Vyas, P Gupta, S Kumar, R Gupta, T Gupta, HP Singh
Journal of family medicine and primary care 9 (6), 2621, 2020
Prevalence of coronal pulp stones and its relation with systemic disorders in northern Indian central punjabi population
SK Bains, A Bhatia, HP Singh, SS Biswal, S Kanth, S Nalla
ISRN dentistry 2014, 2014
Prevalence of dental caries in relation to body mass index, daily sugar intake, and oral hygiene status in 12-year-old school children in Mathura city: A pilot study
P Gupta, N Gupta, HP Singh
International journal of pediatrics 2014, 2014
Knowledge and attitude of dental professionals of North India toward plagiarism
HP Singh, N Guram
North American journal of medical sciences 6 (1), 6, 2014
A comprehensive analysis of articles retracted between 2004 and 2013 from biomedical literature–a call for reforms
HP Singh, A Mahendra, B Yadav, H Singh, N Arora, M Arora
Journal of traditional and complementary medicine 4 (3), 136-139, 2014
A clinical study on comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of carbamazepine and combination of carbamazepine with baclofen or capsaicin in the management of Trigeminal …
N Puri, A Rathore, G Dharmdeep, S Vairagare, BR Prasad, ...
Nigerian Journal of Surgery 24 (2), 95-99, 2018
A quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis of collagen fibers to determine the role of connective tissue stroma on biological behavior of odontogenic cysts: a …
HP Singh, DC Shetty, V Wadhwan, P Aggarwal
National journal of maxillofacial surgery 3 (1), 15, 2012
A comparative evaluation of working length with digital radiography and third generation apex locator (ProPex) in the presence of various intracanal irrigants: An in vivo/ex …
I Khursheed, R Bansal, T Bansal, HP Singh, M Yadav, KJ Reddy
Dental research journal 11 (1), 56, 2014
Prophylactic use of pentoxifylline and tocopherol in patients undergoing dental extractions following radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
K Aggarwal, M Goutam, M Singh, N Kharat, V Singh, S Vyas, HP Singh
Nigerian journal of surgery: official publication of the Nigerian Surgical …, 2017
Granulocytic sarcoma in non-leukaemic child involving maxillary sinus with long term follow up: A rare case report
A Sharma, HP Singh, AA Gupta, P Garg, NJ Moon, R Chavan
Annals of maxillofacial surgery 4 (1), 90, 2014
A rare case report of clear cell variant of oral squamous cell carcinoma
P Nainani, HP Singh, A Paliwal, N Nagpal
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 8 (12), QD07, 2014
Ameloblastomatous calcifying ghost cell odontogenic cyst-a rare variant of a rare entity
HP Singh, M Yadav, A Nayar, C Verma, P Aggarwal, SK Bains
Annali di stomatologia 4 (1), 156, 2013
Cross-sectional evaluation of awareness of prevention of dental caries among general pediatricians in ghaziabad district, India.
SV Kumar P, Kumar P, Dixit A, Gupta V, Singh H
Ann Med Health Sci Res 4 ((Suppl 3)), S302-306, 2014
Dentinoameloblastoma with ghost cells: A rare case report with emphasis on its biological behavior
K Kumar, DC Shetty, V Wadhwan, R Dhanapal, HP Singh
Dental research journal 10 (1), 103, 2013
Intra-oral schwannoma-A case report
S Parhar, HP Singh, A Nayyar, AS Manchanda
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 8 (3), 264, 2014
A molecular insight into the role of inflammation in the behavior and pathogenesis of odontogenic cysts
HP Singh, DC Shetty, A Kumar, R Chavan, DD Shori, J Mali
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (4), 523-528, 2013
Current concepts in diagnosis of unusual salivary gland tumors
AK Bansal, R Bindal, C Kapoor, S Vaidya, HP Singh
Dental research journal 9 (Suppl 1), S9, 2012
An update on precancerous lesions of oral cavity
D Goyal, P Goyal, HP Singh, C Verma
International Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2 (1), 70-75, 2018
Pulp tissue in sex determination: A fluorescent microscopic study
A Nayar, HP Singh, S Leekha
Journal of forensic dental sciences 6 (2), 77, 2014
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Articles 1–20