Ankit Sharma
Ankit Sharma
Senior Manager - Data Science, American Express
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CauSeR: Causal Session-based Recommendations for Handling Popularity Bias
P Gupta, A Sharma, P Malhotra, L Vig, G Shroff
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2021
MetaCI: Meta-Learning for Causal Inference in a Heterogeneous Population
A Sharma, G Gupta, R Prasad, A Chatterjee, L Vig, G Shroff
The 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Causal ML …, 2019
MultiMBNN: Matched and Balanced Causal Inference with Neural Networks
A Sharma, G Gupta, R Prasad, A Chatterjee, L Vig, G Shroff
The 28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational …, 2020
Supervised learning of protein thermal stability using sequence mining and distribution statistics of network centrality
A Sharma, G Bagler, D Bera
bioRxiv, 777177, 2019
Effect of lockdown interventions to control the COVID-19 epidemic in India
A Sharma, S Arya, S Kumari, A Chatterjee
Hi-CI: Deep Causal Inference in High Dimensions
A Sharma, G Gupta, R Prasad, A Chatterjee, L Vig, G Shroff
The 2020 ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery, Proceedings of Machine …, 2020
Protein Classification on the basis of thermal stability using Supervised Learning
A Sharma, D Bera, G Bagler
IIIT-Delhi, 2018
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Articles 1–7