Matt Beekman
Cited by
Cited by
Thermoelectrics: From history, a window to the future
D Beretta, N Neophytou, JM Hodges, MG Kanatzidis, D Narducci, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 138, 100501, 2019
Better thermoelectrics through glass-like crystals
M Beekman, DT Morelli, GS Nolas
Nature materials 14 (12), 1182-1185, 2015
Inorganic clathrate-II materials of group 14: synthetic routes and physical properties
M Beekman, GS Nolas
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (8), 842-851, 2008
Transport properties of polycrystalline
GS Nolas, D Wang, M Beekman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (23), 235204, 2007
Modules, systems, and applications in thermoelectrics
DM Rowe
CRC press, 2012
Preparation and Crystal Growth of Na24Si136
M Beekman, M Baitinger, H Borrmann, W Schnelle, K Meier, GS Nolas, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (28), 9642-9643, 2009
Thermal conductivity of elemental crystalline silicon clathrate
GS Nolas, M Beekman, J Gryko, GA Lamberton Jr, TM Tritt, PF McMillan
Applied physics letters 82 (6), 910-912, 2003
Inorganic crystals with glass‐like and ultralow thermal conductivities
M Beekman, DG Cahill
Crystal Research and Technology 52 (10), 1700114, 2017
Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Turbostratically Disordered (PbSe)1.18(TiSe2)2
DB Moore, M Beekman, S Disch, P Zschack, I Häusler, W Neumann, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (12), 2404-2409, 2013
Intrinsic Electrical and Thermal Properties from Single Crystals of
M Beekman, W Schnelle, H Borrmann, M Baitinger, Y Grin, GS Nolas
Physical review letters 104 (1), 018301, 2010
Simple approach for selective crystal growth of intermetallic clathrates
S Stefanoski, M Beekman, W Wong-Ng, P Zavalij, GS Nolas
Chemistry of Materials 23 (6), 1491-1495, 2011
Synthesis and thermal conductivity of type II silicon clathrates
M Beekman, GS Nolas
Physica B: Condensed Matter 383 (1), 111-114, 2006
Ferecrystals: non-epitaxial layered intergrowths
M Beekman, CL Heideman, DC Johnson
Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (6), 064012, 2014
Framework Contraction in Na-Stuffed Si(cF136)
M Beekman, EN Nenghabi, K Biswas, CW Myles, M Baitinger, Y Grin, ...
Inorganic chemistry 49 (12), 5338-5340, 2010
Characterization of delafossite-type CuCoO2 prepared by ion exchange
M Beekman, J Salvador, X Shi, GS Nolas, J Yang
Journal of alloys and compounds 489 (2), 336-338, 2010
Zintl phases as reactive precursors for synthesis of novel silicon and germanium-based materials
M Beekman, SM Kauzlarich, L Doherty, GS Nolas
Materials 12 (7), 1139, 2019
In-plane thermal and thermoelectric properties of misfit-layered [(PbSe) 0.99] x (WSe2) x superlattice thin films
A Mavrokefalos, Q Lin, M Beekman, JH Seol, YJ Lee, H Kong, MT Pettes, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (18), 2010
In‐plane structure of ferecrystalline compounds
M Falmbigl, MB Alemayehu, DR Merrill, M Beekman, DC Johnson
Crystal Research and Technology 50 (6), 464-472, 2015
Controlling Size‐Induced Phase Transformations Using Chemically Designed Nanolaminates
M Beekman, S Disch, S Rouvimov, D Kasinathan, K Koepernik, H Rosner, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (50), 13211-13214, 2013
Structure of Turbostratically Disordered Misfit Layer Compounds [(PbSe)0.99]1[WSe2]1, [(PbSe)1.00]1[MoSe2]1, and [(SnSe)1.03]1[MoSe2]1
MM Smeller, CL Heideman, Q Lin, M Beekman, MD Anderson, P Zschack, ...
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 638 (15), 2632-2639, 2012
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Articles 1–20