Deepak N. Subramani
Deepak N. Subramani
Assistant Professor, Computational and Data Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
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Energy-optimal path planning by stochastic dynamically orthogonal level-set optimization
DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux
Ocean Modelling 100, 57-77, 2016
Multiple-pursuer/one-evader pursuit–evasion game in dynamic flowfields
W Sun, P Tsiotras, T Lolla, DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 40 (7), 1627-1637, 2017
A future for intelligent autonomous ocean observing systems
PFJ Lermusiaux, DN Subramani, J Lin, CS Kulkarni, A Gupta, A Dutt, ...
Stochastic time-optimal path-planning in uncertain, strong, and dynamic flows
DN Subramani, QJ Wei, PFJ Lermusiaux
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 333, 218-237, 2018
Optimal planning and sampling predictions for autonomous and lagrangian platforms and sensors in the Northern Arabian Sea
PF Lermusiaux, PJ Haley Jr, S Jana, A Gupta, CS Kulkarni, C Mirabito, ...
Oceanography 30 (2), 172-185, 2017
Risk-optimal path planning in stochastic dynamic environments
DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 353, 391-415, 2019
Energy‐optimal path planning in the coastal ocean
DN Subramani, PJ Haley Jr, PFJ Lermusiaux
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (5), 3981-4003, 2017
Graph-search and differential equations for time-optimal vessel route planning in dynamic ocean waves
G Mannarini, DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux, N Pinardi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (8), 3581-3593, 2019
A stochastic optimization method for energy-based path planning
DN Subramani, T Lolla, PJ Haley, PFJ Lermusiaux
Dynamic Data-Driven Environmental Systems Science: First International …, 2015
Time-Optimal Path Planning: Real-Time Sea Exercises
DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux, PJ Haley Jr, C Mirabito, S Jana, ...
Oceans’ 17 MTS/IEEE Conference, 2017
Real-time sediment plume modeling in the Southern California Bight
CS Kulkarni, PJ Haley, PFJ Lermusiaux, A Dutt, A Gupta, C Mirabito, ...
OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, 1-10, 2018
Pursuit-evasion games in dynamic flow fields via reachability set analysis
W Sun, P Tsiotras, T Lolla, DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 4595-4600, 2017
Spatio-temporal predictive modeling framework for infectious disease spread
S Ganesan, D Subramani
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 6741, 2021
Data-driven learning and modeling of AUV operational characteristics for optimal path planning
JR Edwards, J Smith, A Girard, D Wickman, PFJ Lermusiaux, ...
OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen, 1-5, 2017
Fish modeling and Bayesian learning for the Lakshadweep Islands
A Gupta, PJ Haley, DN Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux
OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE SEATTLE, 1-10, 2019
Probabilistic regional ocean predictions: Stochastic fields and optimal planning
DN Subramani
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2018
On the effect of non-raining parameters in retrieval of surface rain rate using TRMM PR and TMI measurements
S Ramanujam, C Radhakrishnan, D Subramani, B Chakravarthy
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2012
A new ensemble-based data assimilation algorithm to improve track prediction of tropical cyclones
D Subramani, R Chandrasekar, KS Ramanujam, C Balaji
Natural hazards 71, 659-682, 2014
Seavizkit: Interactive maps for ocean visualization
WH Ali, MH Mirhi, A Gupta, CS Kulkarni, C Foucart, MM Doshi, ...
OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE SEATTLE, 1-10, 2019
Probabilistic ocean predictions with dynamically-orthogonal primitive equations
D Subramani, PFJ Lermusiaux
2020, in preparation, 2020
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Articles 1–20