Rajmohan Pardeshi
Rajmohan Pardeshi
Assistant Professor in Computer Science,KASCC Bidar
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Directional discrete cosine transform for handwritten script identification
M Hangarge, KC Santosh, R Pardeshi
2013 12th international conference on document analysis and recognition, 344-348, 2013
Automatic handwritten Indian scripts identification
R Pardeshi, BB Chaudhuri, M Hangarge, KC Santosh
2014 14th international conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition …, 2014
Fingerprint based Automatic Human Gender Identification
RP Prabha Prabha ,Jitendra Sheetlani
International Journal of Computer Applications 170 (7), 1-4, 2017
Statistical texture features based handwritten and printed text classification in south indian documents
M Hangarge, KC Santosh, S Doddamani, R Pardeshi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.3087, 2013
Haralick Feature Descriptors for Gender Classification Using Fingerprints: A Machine Learning Approach
KR S S Gornale, Mallikarjun Hangarge, Rajmohan Pardeshi
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2015
Gabor wavelets based word retrieval from kannada documents
M Hangarge, C Veershetty, R Pardeshi, BV Dhandra
Procedia Computer Science 79, 441-448, 2016
Automatic Human Gender Identification Using Palmprint
SS Gornale, A Patil, M Hangarge, R Pardesi
Smart Computational Strategies: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, 49-58, 2019
Classification of microscopic algae: An observational study with AlexNet
R Pardeshi, PD Deshmukh
Soft Computing and Signal Processing: Proceedings of 2nd ICSCSP 2019 2, 309-316, 2020
Old handwritten music symbol recognition using directional multi-resolution spatial features
SA Nawade, M Hangarge, C Dhawale, MBI Reaz, R Pardeshi, N Arsad
2018 International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise …, 2018
Old handwritten music symbol recognition using the combination of foreground and background projection profiles
SA Nawade, R Pardeshi, C Dhawale, M Hangarge
2018 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things: Smart Innovation …, 2018
Handwritten and machine printed text separation from Kannada document images
R Pardeshi, M Hangarge, S Doddamani, KC Santosh
2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO …, 2016
Classification of documents based on local binary pattern features through age analysis
P Gonasagi, R Pardeshi, M Hangarge
Ambient Communications and Computer Systems: RACCCS 2019, 265-271, 2020
Radon and wavelet transforms for handwritten script identification
C Veershetty, R Pardeshi, M Hangarge, C Dhawale
Ambient Communications and Computer Systems: RACCCS 2017, 755-765, 2018
Word retrieval from kannada document images using hog and morphological features
M Hangarge, C Veershetty, P Rajmohan, G Mukarambi
Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: First …, 2017
DWT-LBP Descriptors for Chest X-Ray View Classification
R Pardeshi, R Patil, N Ansingkar, PD Deshmukh, S Biradar
Ambient Communications and Computer Systems: RACCCS 2019, 381-389, 2020
Old handwritten music symbol recognition using radon and discrete wavelet transform
SA Nawade, S Rumma, R Pardeshi, M Hangarge
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering …, 2019
Automatic Gender Identification from Children Facial Images Using Texture Descriptors
A Iftikhar, R Ashraf, A Saeed, S Alva, R Pardeshi
Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing: Proceedings of ISSIP 2018, 43-52, 2019
A system for word retrieval from Kannada documents
M Hangarge, C Veershetty, P Rajmohan, B Somnath, BV Dhandra
2016 International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Security Trends …, 2016
Automatic Classification of Desmids using Transfer Learning
R Pardeshi, P Deshmukh
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) 4 (2), 885-894, 2023
Gender identification from frontal facial images using multiresolution statistical descriptors
Prabha, J Sheetlani, C Dhawale, R Pardeshi
Computing, Communication and Signal Processing: Proceedings of ICCASP 2018 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20