S Das
S Das
Laser Laboratory, Burdwan University
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Modified GaSe crystal as a parametric frequency converter
S Das, C Ghosh, OG Voevodina, YM Andreev, SY Sarkisov
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 82 (1), 43-46, 2006
Tunable parametric ZnGeP2 crystal oscillator
GC Bhar, LK Samanta, DK Ghosh, S Das
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics 17, 860, 1987
Noncritical second harmonic generation of CO2 laser radiation in mixed chalcopyrite crystal
GC Bhar, S Das, U Chatterjee, PK Datta, YN Andreev
Applied physics letters 63 (10), 1316-1318, 1993
Efficient generation of mid-infrared radiation in an AgGaxIn1−xSe2 crystal
GC Bhar, S Das, DV Satyanarayan, PK Datta, U Nundy, YN Andreev
Optics letters 20 (20), 2057-2059, 1995
High-repetition-rate, all-solid-state, Ti: sapphire-pumped optical parametric oscillator for the mid-infrared
PJ Phillips, S Das, M Ebrahimzadeh
Applied Physics Letters 77, 469, 2000
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of ZnGeP2 crystal for infrared laser device applications: revisited
S Das, GC Bhar, S Gangopadhyay, C Ghosh
Applied optics 42 (21), 4335-4340, 2003
Nonlinear optical laser devices using GaSe
GC Bhar, S Das, KL Vodopyanov
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 61 (2), 187-190, 1995
Temperature-tunable second-harmonic generation in zinc germanium diphosphide
GC Bhar, S Das, U Chatterjee, KL Vodopianov
Applied physics letters 54 (4), 313-314, 1989
Optical, dielectric and surface studies on solution grown benzimidazole single crystals
UVDS Vijayan N, Bhagavannarayana G, Budakoti G C, Kumar
Materials Letters 62, 1252, 2008
Key Aspects of L - Threoninium picrate single crystal: An excellent organic nonlinear optical material with a high laser-induced damage threshold
GB Anuj Krishna, N.Vijayan, Shashikant Gupta, Kanika Thukral,V ...
RSC Advances 4, 56188-56199, 2014
Nonlinear Optical Properties of Defect Tetrahedral Crystals HgGa 2 S 4 and AgGaGeS 4 and Mixed Chalcopyrite Crystal Cd (0.4) Hg (0.6) Ga 2 S 4
YU Andreev, PP Geiko, VV Badikov, GC Bhar, S Das, AK Chaudhury
Nonlinear Optics (Mclc) Section B 29 (1), 19-27, 2002
AgGaGeS4 crystals for nonlinear laser device applications
S Das, C Ghosh, S Gangopadhyay, YM Andreev, VV Badikov
Japanese journal of applied physics 45 (7R), 5795, 2006
Evaluation of beta barium borate crystal for nonlinear devices
GC Bhar, S Das, U Chatterjee
Applied optics 28 (2), 202-204, 1989
Low-threshold mid-infrared optical parametric oscillation in periodically poled LiNbO3 synchronously pumped by a Ti: sapphire laser
M Ebrahimzadeh, PJ Phillips, S Das
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 72 (7), 793-801, 2001
Optical parametric oscillator: status of tunable radiation in mid‑IR to IR spectral range based on ZnGeP2 crystal pumped by solid state lasers
S Das
Optical and Quantum Electronics 51, 51-70, 2019
Single crystal growth of ninhydrin by unidirectional Sankaranarayanan- Ramasamy (SR) method by using glass ampoule for nonlinear optical applications
BRMAW N Rani, N Vijayan, B Riscob, S karan Jat, A
Crystal Engineering Communication 15, 2127-2132, 2013
Studies on the growth, thermal and optical properties of 4-aminopyridinium p-aminobenzoate dihydrate single crystals
RMK B.M. Sornamurthy, G. Peramaiyan, P. Pandi, S. Das G. Bhagavannarayana, V ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 397, 1-5, 2014
Noncollinear phase‐matched second‐harmonic generation in beta barium borate
GC Bhar, S Das, U Chatterjee
Applied physics letters 54, 1383, 1989
Assessment of the imperative features of an l-arginine 4-nitrophenolate 4-nitrophenol dihydrate single crystal for non linear optical applications
N Vijayan, M Vij, P Kumar, B Singh, S Das, H Soumya
Materials Chemistry Frontiers 1 (6), 1107-1117, 2017
Investigation on synthesis, growth, Hirshfeld surface and third order nonlinear optical properties of Urea-Succinic Acid single crystal: A potential candidate for self …
BSGGRPP DebabrataNayak, N.Vijayan ManjuKumari Kiran PargamVashishtha S Das
Optical Material 124, 112051, 2022
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