P.K. Khare
P.K. Khare
Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar (M.P.)
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Cited by
Soil microbiome: a key player for conservation of soil health under changing climate
A Dubey, MA Malla, F Khan, K Chowdhary, S Yadav, A Kumar, S Sharma, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 28, 2405-2429, 2019
The number of tree species on Earth
R Cazzolla Gatti, PB Reich, JGP Gamarra, T Crowther, C Hui, A Morera, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (6), e2115329119, 2022
A systematic review on the aboveground biomass and carbon stocks of Indian forest ecosystems
O Salunkhe, PK Khare, R Kumari, ML Khan
Ecological processes 7, 1-12, 2018
Estimation of tree biomass reserves in tropical deciduous forests of Central India by non-destructive approach
O Salunkhe, PK Khare, TR Sahu, S Singh
Tropical Ecology 57 (2), 153-161, 2016
Physico-chemical characteristics of a fresh water pond of Orai, UP, Central India
P Yadav, VK Yadav, AK Yadav, PK Khare
Octa Journal of Biosciences 1 (2), 2013
Variation in tree biomass and carbon stocks in three tropical dry deciduous forest types of Madhya Pradesh, India
D Raha, JA Dar, PK Pandey, PA Lone, S Verma, PK Khare, ML Khan
Carbon Management 11 (2), 109-120, 2020
Plant functional traits best explain invasive species’ performance within a dynamic ecosystem-A review
P Kaushik, PK Pati, ML Khan, PK Khare
Trees, Forests and People 8, 100260, 2022
Tree diversity, biomass and carbon storage in sacred groves of Central India
JA Dar, K Subashree, D Raha, A Kumar, PK Khare, ML Khan
Environmental science and pollution research 26 (36), 37212-37227, 2019
Climate models predict a divergent future for the medicinal tree Boswellia serrata Roxb. in India
R Rajpoot, D Adhikari, S Verma, P Saikia, A Kumar, KR Grant, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 23, e01040, 2020
A suitable host for mass production of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from natural soil.
B Chaurasia, PK Khare
Appl. Ecology and Environ. Research 4, 45-53, 2005
Allometric equations for biomass and carbon stock estimation of small diameter woody species from tropical dry deciduous forests: Support to REDD+
PK Pati, P Kaushik, ML Khan, PK Khare
Trees, Forests and People 9, 100289, 2022
A MODIS-based spatiotemporal assessment of agricultural residue burning in Madhya Pradesh, India
S Verma, JA Dar, D Malasiya, PK Khare, S Dayanandan, ML Khan
Ecological Indicators 105, 496-504, 2019
Food habits of wild ungulates and their competition with Livestock in Pench Wildlife Reserve, Central India
R Shukla, PK Khare
Jour. Bom. Nat. Hist. Soc. 95, 418-421, 1998
Above Ground Biomass and Carbon Stocking in Tropical Deciduous Forests of State of Madhya Pradesh, India
O Salunkhe, PK Khare, TR Sahu, S Singh
Taiwania 59 (4), 353‒ 359, 2014
Species diversity and dominance in tropical dry deciduous forest ecosystem.
AS Thakur, PK Khare
J. Environ. Res. Development 1, 26-31, 2006
Invasive species and their impact on tropical forests of Central India: A review
JA Dar, K Subashree, S Sundarapandian, P Saikia, A Kumar, PK Khare, ...
Tropical ecosystems: Structure, functions and challenges in the face of …, 2019
Impact of plant invasion on physical, chemical and biological aspects of ecosystems: A review
PA Lone, JA Dar, K Subashree, D Raha, PK Pandey, T Ray, PK Khare, ...
Tropical Plant Research 6 (3), 528-544, 2019
Impact of forest fire frequency on tree diversity and species regeneration in tropical dry deciduous forest of Panna tiger reserve, Madhya Pradesh, India
T Ray, D Malasiya, R Rajpoot, S Verma, JA Dar, A Dayanandan, D Raha, ...
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 40 (8), 831-845, 2021
Role of major forest biomes in climate change mitigation: An eco-biological perspective
JA Dar, K Subashree, NA Bhat, S Sundarapandian, M Xu, P Saikia, ...
Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and …, 2020
Biomass estimation from Herb, Shrub and litter component of tropical dry deciduous forest of Madhya Pradesh state of India.
O Salunkhe, PK Khare, DR Gwalwanshi, S Uniyal
The Journal of Ecology, Photon 109, 358-362, 2014
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Articles 1–20