Debabrata Ghosh
Debabrata Ghosh
Essex Business School, University of Essex
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Supply chain analysis under green sensitive consumer demand and cost sharing contract
D Ghosh, J Shah
International Journal of Production Economics 164, 319-329, 2015
A comparative analysis of greening policies across supply chain structures
D Ghosh, J Shah
International Journal of Production Economics 135 (2), 568-583, 2012
Understanding systemic disruption from the Covid-19-induced semiconductor shortage for the auto industry
V Ramani, D Ghosh, MMS Sodhi
Omega 113, 102720, 2022
Product greening and pricing strategies of firms under green sensitive consumer demand and environmental regulations
D Ghosh, J Shah, S Swami
Annals of Operations Research 290 (1), 491-520, 2020
Do cap-and-trade policies drive environmental and social goals in supply chains: Strategic decisions, collaboration, and contract choices
MR Kuiti, D Ghosh, P Basu, A Bisi
International Journal of Production Economics 223, 107537, 2020
Integrated product design, shelf-space allocation and transportation decisions in green supply chains
MR Kuiti, D Ghosh, S Gouda, S Swami, R Shankar
International Journal of Production Research, 1-21, 2019
Strategic decisions, competition and cost-sharing contract under industry 4.0 and environmental considerations
D Ghosh, TG Sant, MR Kuiti, S Swami, R Shankar
Resources, conservation and recycling 162, 105057, 2020
Sponsored search advertising and dynamic pricing for perishable products under inventory-linked customer willingness to pay
V Tunuguntla, P Basu, K Rakshit, D Ghosh
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (1), 119-132, 2019
Outbound logistics management practices in the automotive industry: an emerging economy perspective
S Chandra, D Ghosh, SK Srivastava
Decision 43, 145-165, 2016
Strategic decision making under subscription-based contracts for remanufacturing
D Ghosh, S Gouda, R Shankar, S Swami, VC Thomas
International Journal of Production Economics 200, 134-150, 2018
Supply chain capabilities and competitiveness of high-tech manufacturing start-ups in India
D Ghosh, P Mehta, B Avittathur
Benchmarking: An International Journal 28 (5), 1783-1808, 2021
Analyzing product greening spillovers in multi-product markets
P Awasthy, S Gouda, D Ghosh, S Swami
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 158, 102586, 2022
Excellence in supply chain management
B Avittathur, D Ghosh
Routledge, 2020
Price premium effect, supply contracts and strategic decision making under environmental considerations
V Ramani, S Swami, D Ghosh
Benchmarking: An International Journal 28 (5), 1665-1696, 2021
What drives firms towards green initiatives?—An emerging economy perspective
D Ghosh, SK Gouda, P Awasthy
Sustainable Operations in India, 21-33, 2018
D Ghosh
A ComparativeAnalysisofGreeningPoliciesAcrossSupplyChainStructures 135 (2 …, 2011
Sustainability Indicators in Supply Chains
S Swami, D Ghosh, C Swami
Elsevier, 2020
The Sabar Shouchagar Project (toilets for everyone): Making Nadia District the first open-defecation-free district in India
D Vijay, D Ghosh
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 8 (1), 1-25, 2018
Unlocking the potential of India’s high-tech start-ups
D Ghosh, P Mehta, B Avittathur, U Sarkar
Supply Chain Management Review, 8-11, 2018
Upcycling can take sustainable supply chains beyond recycling
S Gouda, S Swami, D Ghosh
Supply Chain Management Review, 6-7, 2019
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Articles 1–20