Satyendra Kumar
Satyendra Kumar
ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal-132001
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Vermicompost substitution influences growth, physiological disorders, fruit yield and quality of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
R Singh, RR Sharma, S Kumar, RK Gupta, RT Patil
Bioresource Technology 99 (17), 8507-8511, 2008
Tillage and residue management effects on soil aggregation, organic carbon dynamics and yield attribute in rice–wheat cropping system under reclaimed sodic soil
SG Choudhury, S Srivastava, R Singh, SK Chaudhari, DK Sharma, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 136, 76-83, 2014
Response of onion (Allium cepa L.) to different levels of irrigation water
S Kumar, M Imtiyaz, A Kumar, R Singh
Agricultural Water Management 89 (1-2), 161-166, 2007
Drip irrigation and black polyethylene mulch influence on growth, yield and water-use efficiency of tomato
R Singh, S Kumar, DD Nangare, MS Meena
African Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (12), 1427-1430, 2009
Effect of differential soil moisture and nutrient regimes on postharvest attributes of onion (Allium cepa L.)
S Kumar, M Imtiyaz, A Kumar
Scientia Horticulturae 112 (2), 121-129, 2007
Perceptions of climate variability and livelihood adaptations relating to gender and wealth among the Adi community of the Eastern Indian Himalayas
RK Singh, KK Zander, S Kumar, A Singh, P Sheoran, A Kumar, ...
Applied Geography 86, 41-52, 2017
Ameliorants and salt tolerant varieties improve rice-wheat production in soils undergoing sodification with alkali water irrigation in Indo–Gangetic Plains of India
P Sheoran, N Basak, A Kumar, RK Yadav, R Singh, R Sharma, S Kumar, ...
Agricultural Water Management 243, 106492, 2021
Assessment of production and monetary losses from salt-affected soils in India
Sharma, D K,Thimmppa, K, Chinchimalatpure, A.R., Mandal, A.K., Yadav, R.K ...
ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, 2015
Significance of hydrogel and its application in agriculture
B Narjary, P Aggarwal, S Kumar, MD Meena
ICAR, 2013
Effect of differential irrigation regimes on potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield and post-harvest attributes
S Kumar, R Asrey, G Mandal
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77 (6), 366-368, 2007
Impact of rainfall variability on groundwater resources and opportunities of artificial recharge structure to reduce its exploitation in fresh groundwater zones of Haryana
B Narjary, S Kumar, SK Kamra, DS Bundela, DK Sharma
Current science, 1305-1312, 2014
Effect of plastic tunnel and mulching on growth and yield of strawberry
R Singh, R Asrey, S Kumar
Indian Journal of Horticulture 63 (1), 18-20, 2006
Microsprinkler, drip and furrow irrigation for potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivation in a semi-arid environment
S Kumar, R Asrey, G Mandal, R Singh
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2009
Perceived Climate Variability and Compounding Stressors: Implications for Risks to Livelihoods of Smallholder Indian Farmers
RK Singh, A Singh, S Kumar, P Sheoran, DK Sharma, LC Stringer, ...
Environmental Management, 1-19, 2020
Evaluation of sand-based stormwater filtration system for groundwater recharge wells
S Kumar, SK Kamra, RK Yadav, JP Sharma
Current science, 395-404, 2012
Developing soil matric potential based irrigation strategies of direct seeded rice for improving yield and water productivity
S Kumar, B Narjary, K Kumar, HS Jat, SK Kamra, RK Yadav
Agricultural Water Management 215, 8-15, 2019
Deficit saline water irrigation under reduced tillage and residue mulch improves soil health in sorghum-wheat cropping system in semi-arid region
PG Soni, N Basak, AK Rai, P Sundha, B Narjary, P Kumar, G Yadav, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-13, 2021
Digital mapping of soil salinity at various depths using an EM38
B Narjary, MD Meena, S Kumar, SK Kamra, DK Sharma, J Triantafilis
Soil Use and Management 35 (2), 232-244, 2019
Soil spatial variability characterization: Delineating index-based management zones in salt-affected agroecosystem of India
A Barman, P Sheoran, RK Yadav, R Abhishek, R Sharma, K Prajapat, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 296, 113243, 2021
The food-energy-water-carbon nexus of the rice-wheat production system in the western Indo-Gangetic Plain of India: An impact of irrigation system, conservational tillage and …
RK Fagodiya, A Singh, R Singh, S Rani, S Kumar, AK Rai, P Sheoran, ...
Science of The Total Environment 860, 160428, 2023
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