David Burn
Cited by
Cited by
Electronic Structure and Enhanced Charge-Density Wave Order of Monolayer VSe2
J Feng, D Biswas, A Rajan, MD Watson, F Mazzola, OJ Clark, ...
Nano letters 18 (7), 4493-4499, 2018
Manipulation of skyrmion motion by magnetic field gradients
SL Zhang, WW Wang, DM Burn, H Peng, H Berger, A Bauer, C Pfleiderer, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2115, 2018
Anatomy of skyrmionic textures in magnetic multilayers
W Li, I Bykova, S Zhang, G Yu, R Tomasello, M Carpentieri, Y Liu, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (14), 1807683, 2019
Multidomain Skyrmion Lattice State in Cu2OSeO3
SL Zhang, A Bauer, DM Burn, P Milde, E Neuber, LM Eng, H Berger, ...
Nano letters 16 (5), 3285-3291, 2016
Realization of ground state in artificial kagome spin ice via topological defect-driven magnetic writing
JC Gartside, DM Arroo, DM Burn, VL Bemmer, A Moskalenko, LF Cohen, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (1), 53-58, 2018
Coherent transfer of spin angular momentum by evanescent spin waves within antiferromagnetic NiO
M Dąbrowski, T Nakano, DM Burn, A Frisk, DG Newman, C Klewe, Q Li, ...
Physical review letters 124 (21), 217201, 2020
Cr2Te3 Thin Films for Integration in Magnetic Topological Insulator Heterostructures
DM Burn, LB Duffy, R Fujita, SL Zhang, AI Figueroa, J Herrero-Martín, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 10793, 2019
Direct observation of the energy gain underpinning ferromagnetic superexchange in the electronic structure of
MD Watson, I Marković, F Mazzola, A Rajan, EA Morales, DM Burn, ...
Physical Review B 101 (20), 205125, 2020
Local control of magnetic damping in ferromagnetic/non-magnetic bilayers by interfacial intermixing induced by focused ion-beam irradiation
JA King, A Ganguly, DM Burn, S Pal, EA Sallabank, TPA Hase, ...
Applied physics letters 104 (24), 2014
Suppression of Walker breakdown in magnetic domain wall propagation through structural control of spin wave emission
DM Burn, D Atkinson
Applied Physics Letters 102 (24), 2013
Electron beam lithography of magnetic skyrmions
Y Guang, Y Peng, Z Yan, Y Liu, J Zhang, X Zeng, S Zhang, S Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (39), 2003003, 2020
Creation of a chiral bobber lattice in helimagnet-multilayer heterostructures
K Ran, Y Liu, Y Guang, DM Burn, G van der Laan, T Hesjedal, H Du, G Yu, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (1), 017204, 2021
Tailoring the hybrid anomalous Hall response in engineered magnetic topological insulator heterostructures
P Chen, Y Zhang, Q Yao, F Tian, L Li, Z Qi, X Liu, L Liao, C Song, J Wang, ...
Nano Letters 20 (3), 1731-1737, 2020
A model for the impact of herbicide tolerance on the performance of oilseed rape as a volunteer weed
GR Squire, D Burn, JW Crawford
Annals of Applied Biology 131 (2), 315-338, 1997
Dynamic interaction between domain walls and nanowire vertices
DM Burn, M Chadha, SK Walton, WR Branford
Physical Review B 90 (14), 144414, 2014
Imposing long-range ferromagnetic order in rare-earth-doped magnetic topological-insulator heterostructures
LB Duffy, A Frisk, DM Burn, NJ Steinke, J Herrero-Martin, A Ernst, ...
Physical Review Materials 2 (5), 054201, 2018
A novel method for the injection and manipulation of magnetic charge states in nanostructures
JC Gartside, DM Burn, LF Cohen, WR Branford
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32864, 2016
Limitations in artificial spin ice path selectivity: the challenges beyond topological control
SK Walton, K Zeissler, DM Burn, S Ladak, DE Read, T Tyliszczak, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (1), 013054, 2015
Depth-resolved magnetization dynamics revealed by x-ray reflectometry ferromagnetic resonance
DM Burn, SL Zhang, GQ Yu, Y Guang, HJ Chen, XP Qiu, G Van Der Laan, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (13), 137201, 2020
Angular-dependent magnetization reversal processes in artificial spin ice
DM Burn, M Chadha, WR Branford
Physical Review B 92 (21), 214425, 2015
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Articles 1–20