Dr. Subrata Kumar Ghosh
Dr. Subrata Kumar Ghosh
Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Agartala
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Cited by
Crack and wear behavior of SiC particulate reinforced aluminium based metal matrix composite fabricated by direct metal laser sintering process
SK Ghosh, P Saha
Materials & Design 32 (1), 139-145, 2011
A review on the use of dielectric fluids and their effects in electrical discharge machining characteristics
S Chakraborty, V Dey, SK Ghosh
Precision Engineering 40, 1-6, 2015
Influence of size and volume fraction of SiC particulates on properties of ex situ reinforced Al–4.5 Cu–3Mg metal matrix composite prepared by direct metal laser sintering process
SK Ghosh, P Saha, S Kishore
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (18-19), 4694-4701, 2010
A review on the nickel based metal matrix composite coating
R Karmakar, P Maji, SK Ghosh
Metals and Materials International 27, 2134-2145, 2021
Effect of processing speed on wear and corrosion behavior of novel MoS2 and CeO2 reinforced hybrid aluminum matrix composites fabricated by friction stir processing
P Maji, RK Nath, P Paul, RKB Meitei, SK Ghosh
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 69, 1-11, 2021
Development of an in-situ multi-component reinforced Al-based metal matrix composite by direct metal laser sintering technique—Optimization of process parameters
SK Ghosh, K Bandyopadhyay, P Saha
Materials characterization 93, 68-78, 2014
Microstructural, mechanical and wear characteristics of aluminum matrix composites fabricated by friction stir processing
P Maji, SK Ghosh, RK Nath, R Karmakar
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42, 1-24, 2020
The phenomenon of surface modification by electro-discharge coating process: a review
S Chakraborty, S Kar, V Dey, SK Ghosh
Surface Review and Letters 25 (01), 1830003, 2018
Development of TiN particulates reinforced SS316 based metal matrix composite by direct metal laser sintering technique and its characterization
M Hussain, V Mandal, V Kumar, AK Das, SK Ghosh
Optics & Laser Technology 97, 46-59, 2017
Optimization and surface modification of al-6351 alloy using SiC–cu green compact electrode by electro discharge coating process
S Chakraborty, S Kar, V Dey, SK Ghosh
Surface Review and Letters 24 (01), 1750007, 2017
Optimization of surface roughness parameters of Al-6351 alloy in EDC process: a taguchi coupled fuzzy logic approach
S Kar, S Chakraborty, V Dey, SK Ghosh
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 98, 607-618, 2017
A study on induction welding of mild steel and copper with flux under applied load condition
BM RK, P Maji, A Samadhiya, SK Ghosh, BS Roy, AK Das, SC Saha
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34, 435-441, 2018
Parametric optimization of electric discharge coating on Aluminium-6351 alloy with green compact silicon carbide and copper tool: a Taguchi coupled utility concept approach
S Chakraborty, S Kar, SK Ghosh, V Dey
Surfaces and Interfaces 7, 47-57, 2017
Effect of post processing heat treatment on friction stir welded/processed aluminum based alloys and composites
P Maji, RK Nath, R Karmakar, P Paul, RKB Meitei, SK Ghosh
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35, 96-105, 2021
Multi attribute decision making for determining optimum process parameter in EDC with Si and Cu mixed powder green compact electrodes
S Chakraborty, S Kar, V Dey, SK Ghosh
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2018
Modelling of surface roughness and tool consumption of WEDM and optimization of process parameters based on fuzzy-PSO
B Choudhuri, R Sen, SK Ghosh, SC Saha
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), 7505-7514, 2018
Modelling and multi-response optimization of wire electric discharge machining parameters using response surface methodology and grey–fuzzy algorithm
B Choudhuri, R Sen, SK Ghosh, SC Saha
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2017
An experimental investigation on joining of copper and stainless steel by induction welding technique
RK Bhogendro Meitei, P Maji, A Samadhiya, R Karmakar, SK Ghosh, ...
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 21, 613-621, 2020
Study of surface integrity and recast surface machined by Wire electrical discharge machining
B Choudhuri, R Sen, SK Ghosh, SC Saha
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), 7515-7524, 2018
Effect of explosive loading ratio on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al 5052/AZ31B explosive weld composite
P Kumar, SK Ghosh, S Saravanan, JD Barma
JOM 75 (1), 167-175, 2023
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Articles 1–20