Biswajit Mondal
Biswajit Mondal
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College
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An inventory system of ameliorating items for price dependent demand rate
B Mondal, AK Bhunia, M Maiti
Computers & industrial engineering 45 (3), 443-456, 2003
Inventory models for defective items incorporating marketing decisions with variable production cost
B Mondal, AK Bhunia, M Maiti
Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 (6), 2845-2852, 2009
Food chain model with optimal harvesting in fuzzy environment
D Sadhukhan, LN Sahoo, B Mondal, M Maiti
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 34, 1-18, 2010
A model on two storage inventory system under stock dependent selling rate incorporating marketing decisions and transportation cost with optimum release rule
B Mondal, AK Bhunia, M Maiti
Tamsui oxford journal of mathematical sciences 23 (3), 243-267, 2007
Discrete age-structured population model with age dependent harvesting and its stability analysis
D Sadhukhan, B Mondal, M Maiti
Applied mathematics and computation 201 (1-2), 631-639, 2008
Dynamic analysis of a fractional-order predator–prey model with harvesting
K Sarkar, B Mondal
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 11 (4), 1518-1531, 2023
Bio-mathematical Prey-Predator Model with Marine Protect Area (MPA) and Harvesting
B Mondal
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 5 (9), 858-868, 2014
Optimal two-species harvesting policy with price and size (biomass) of the fish population dependent catch rate function
B Mondal, AK Bhunia, M Maiti
Applied mathematics and computation 187 (2), 600-608, 2007
An integer-order SIS epidemic model having variable population and fear effect: comparing the stability with fractional order
M Mukherjee, B Mondal
Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 30 (1), 19, 2022
Effect of Nonlinear Harvesting on a Fractional-Order Predator-Prey Model
K Sarkar, B Mondal
Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications: Proceedings of the ICNDA 2022, 761-773, 2022
Bio-economic Prey–Predator Fishery Model with Intratrophic Predation, Time Delay in Reserved and Unreserved Area
D Sadhukhan, B Mondal, M Maiti
Operations Research and Optimization: FOTA 2016, Kolkata, India, November 24 …, 2018
Discussion on single species fish population with time dependent growth rate
B Mondal
Applied mathematics and computation 194 (2), 514-519, 2007
Dynamics of a SIR epidemic model with variable recruitment and quadratic treatment
M Mukherjee, B Mondal
International Journal of Biomathematics 16 (07), 2250129, 2023
A Food Web Population Model in Deterministic and Stochastic Environment
D Sadhukhan, B Mondal, M Maiti
Facets of Uncertainties and Applications: ICFUA, Kolkata, India, December …, 2015
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Articles 1–14