Dr. Naresh Nalajala, Ph.D.
Dr. Naresh Nalajala, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, PPISR
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Cited by
A scalable and thin film approach for solar hydrogen generation: a review on enhanced photocatalytic water splitting
CS Gopinath, N Nalajala
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (3), 1353-1371, 2021
Removal of surfactant and capping agent from Pd nanocubes (Pd-NCs) using tert-butylamine: its effect on electrochemical characteristics
N Naresh, FGS Wasim, BP Ladewig, M Neergat
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (30), 8553-8559, 2013
Oxygen reduction reaction and peroxide generation on shape-controlled and polycrystalline platinum nanoparticles in acidic and alkaline electrolytes
R Devivaraprasad, R Ramesh, N Naresh, T Kar, RK Singh, M Neergat
Langmuir 30 (29), 8995-9006, 2014
Why the thin film form of a photocatalyst is better than the particulate form for direct solar-to-hydrogen conversion: a poor man's approach
N Nalajala, KK Patra, PA Bharad, CS Gopinath
RSC advances 9 (11), 6094-6100, 2019
Electronic Integration and Thin Film Aspects of Au–Pd/rGO/TiO2 for Improved Solar Hydrogen Generation
B Tudu, N Nalajala, K P. Reddy, P Saikia, CS Gopinath
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (36), 32869-32878, 2019
Sodium borohydride treatment: a simple and effective process for the removal of stabilizer and capping agents from shape-controlled palladium nanoparticles
N Nalajala, WFG Saleha, BP Ladewig, M Neergat
Chemical Communications 50 (66), 9365-9368, 2014
Cu–Ni Bimetal Integrated TiO2 Thin Film for Enhanced Solar Hydrogen Generation
B Tudu, N Nalajala, P Saikia, CS Gopinath
Solar RRL, 1900557, 2020
Electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction on shape-controlled Pt and Pd nanoparticles—importance of surface cleanliness and reconstruction
R Devivaraprasad, N Nalajala, B Bera, M Neergat
Frontiers in Chemistry 7, 648, 2019
Chloride (Cl−) ion-mediated shape control of palladium nanoparticles
N Nalajala, A Chakraborty, B Bera, M Neergat
Nanotechnology 27 (6), 065603, 2016
Aqueous Methanol to Formaldehyde and Hydrogen on Pd/TiO2 by Photocatalysis in Direct Sunlight: Structure Dependent Activity of Nano-Pd and Atomic Pt-Coated …
N Nalajala, KN Salgaonkar, I Chauhan, SP Mekala, CS Gopinath
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (11), 13347-13360, 2021
Electronically Integrated Mesoporous Ag–TiO2 Nanocomposite Thin films for Efficient Solar Hydrogen Production in Direct Sunlight
SS Mani, S Rajendran, N Nalajala, T Mathew, CS Gopinath
Energy Technology 10 (1), 2100356, 2022
Can half-a-monolayer of Pt simulate activity like that of bulk Pt? Solar hydrogen activity demonstration with quasi-artificial leaf device
H Bajpai, KK Patra, R Ranjan, N Nalajala, KP Reddy, CS Gopinath
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (27), 30420-30430, 2020
A baby step in assembling and integrating the components of an artificial photosynthesis device with forced heterojunctions towards improved efficiency
KN Salgaonkar, H Bajpai, NB Mhamane, N Nalajala, I Chauhan, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (28), 15168-15182, 2023
Selective and Generic Photocatalytic Oxidation of Alcohol with Pd−TiO2 Thin Films: Butanols to Butanal/Butanone with Different Morphologies of Pd and 0.5θPt‐Pd …
KN Salgaonkar, SR Kale, N Nalajala, S Mansuri, CS Gopinath
Chemistry–An Asian Journal 18 (6), e202201239, 2023
Rationally designed, efficient, and earth-abundant Ni–Fe cocatalysts for solar hydrogen generation
B Tudu, N Nalajala, K Prabhakar Reddy, P Saikia, CS Gopinath
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (41), 13915-13925, 2021
Functionalization of Graphene—A Critical Overview of its Improved Physical, Chemical and Electrochemical Properties
RK Singh, N Nalajala, T Kar, A Schechter
Surface Engineering of Graphene, 139-173, 2019
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of Nafion‐117, sulfonated polysulfone (sPSF) and sulfonated polyether ketone (sPEK) membranes
WFG Saleha, R Ramesh, N Nalajala, A Chakraborty, BP Ladewig, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134 (18), 2017
Photocatalytic setup for in situ and operando ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at MAX IV Laboratory
A Klyushin, M Ghosalya, E Kokkonen, C Eads, R Jones, N Nalajala, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 30 (3), 613-619, 2023
Photocatalytic hydrogen production from H2S using nanostructured CNT blended CdZnS/Fe2O3 thin film on glass substrate
MA Raja, V Preethi, Y Pal, N Nalajala, CS Gopinath
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1495 (1), 012035, 2020
Dielectric relaxations in phosphoric acid‐doped poly (2, 5‐benzimidazole) and its composite membranes
WFG Saleha, R Ramesh, N Nalajala, BP Ladewig, M Neergat
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134 (22), 2017
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