Dr. Raja Banerjee
Dr. Raja Banerjee
Professor, IIT Hyderabad
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A CFD simulation study of boiling mechanism and BOG generation in a full-scale LNG storage tank
A Saleem, S Farooq, IA Karimi, R Banerjee
Computers & Chemical Engineering 115, 112-120, 2018
A numerical study of combined heat and mass transfer in an inclined channel using the VOF multiphase model
R Banerjee
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 52 (2), 163-183, 2007
Turbulent conjugate heat and mass transfer from the surface of a binary mixture of ethanol/iso-octane in a countercurrent stratified two-phase flow system
R Banerjee
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (25-26), 5958-5974, 2008
Numerical investigation of evaporation of a single ethanol/iso-octane droplet
R Banerjee
Fuel 107, 724-739, 2013
Numerical investigation of stratified air/fuel preparation in a GDI engine
R Banerjee, S Kumar
Applied Thermal Engineering 104, 414-428, 2016
Experimental investigation on GDI spray behavior of isooctane and alcohols at elevated pressure and temperature conditions
R Kale, R Banerjee
Fuel 236, 1-12, 2019
Evaluation of turbulence closure schemes for stratified two phase flow
R Banerjee, KM Isaac
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 37165, 689-705, 2003
Lemon peel oil as an alternative fuel for GDI engines: A spray characterization perspective
A Biswal, R Kale, S Balusamy, R Banerjee, P Kolhe
Renewable energy 142, 249-263, 2019
CFD simulations of critical components in fuel filling systems
R Banerjee, X Bai, D Pugh, KM Isaac, D Klein, J Edson, W Breig, L Oliver
SAE Transactions, 324-340, 2002
Effect of particle concentration on turbulent modulation inside hydrocyclone using coupled MPPIC-VOF method
M Kumar, R Reddy, R Banerjee, N Mangadoddy
Separation and Purification Technology 266, 118206, 2021
A numerical study of automotive gas tank filler pipe two phase flow
R Banerjee, KM Isaac, L Oliver, W Breig
SAE Technical Paper, 2001
Understanding spray and atomization characteristics of butanol isomers and isooctane under engine like hot injector body conditions
R Kale, R Banerjee
Fuel 237, 191-201, 2019
GPU accelerated VOF based multiphase flow solver and its application to sprays
R Reddy, R Banerjee
Computers & Fluids 117, 287-303, 2015
Detailed numerical simulations of unequal sized off-centre binary droplet collisions
S Chowdhary, SR Reddy, R Banerjee
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 128, 103267, 2020
An algorithm to determine the mass transfer rate from a pure liquid surface using the volume of fluid multiphase model
R Banerjee, KM Isaac
International Journal of Engine Research 5 (1), 23-37, 2004
Features of automotive gas tank filler pipe two-phase flow: experiments and computational fluid dynamics simulations
R Banerjee, KM Isaac, L Oliver, W Breig
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 124 (2), 412-420, 2002
Sustainability of coal mines: Separation of clean coal from the fine-coal rejects by ultra-fine grinding and density-gradient-centrifugation
SK Sriramoju, D Kumar, S Majumdar, PS Dash, D Shee, R Banerjee
Powder Technology 383, 356-370, 2021
CFD analysis of stratification and rollover phenomena in an industrial-scale LNG storage tank
A Saleem, S Farooq, IA Karimi, R Banerjee
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (31), 14126-14144, 2020
Optical investigation of flash boiling and its effect on in-cylinder combustion for butanol isomers and iso-octane
R Kale, R Banerjee
International Journal of Engine Research 22 (5), 1565-1578, 2021
Modeling and simulation of n-butane adsorption/desorption in a carbon canister
X Bai, KM Isaac, R Banerjee, D Klein, W Breig, L Oliver
SAE Technical Paper, 2004
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Articles 1–20