B N Rao
Cited by
Cited by
An efficient meshless method for fracture analysis of cracks
BN Rao, S Rahman
Computational mechanics 26 (4), 398-408, 2000
Mesh-free analysis of cracks in isotropic functionally graded materials
BN Rao, S Rahman
Engineering fracture mechanics 70 (1), 1-27, 2003
A coupled meshless-finite element method for fracture analysis of cracks
BN Rao, S Rahman
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 78 (9), 647-657, 2001
High‐dimensional model representation for structural reliability analysis
R Chowdhury, BN Rao, AM Prasad
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 25 (4), 301-337, 2009
A perturbation method for stochastic meshless analysis in elastostatics
S Rahman, BN Rao
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 50 (8), 1969-1991, 2001
Non-uniform time-to-corrosion initiation in steel reinforced concrete under chloride environment
S Muthulingam, BN Rao
Corrosion Science 82, 304-315, 2014
An enriched meshless method for non‐linear fracture mechanics
BN Rao, S Rahman
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59 (2), 197-223, 2004
An interaction integral method for analysis of cracks in orthotropic functionally graded materials
BN Rao, S Rahman
Computational mechanics 32 (1), 40-51, 2003
Assessment of high dimensional model representation techniques for reliability analysis
R Chowdhury, BN Rao
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 24 (1), 100-115, 2009
Non-uniform corrosion states of rebar in concrete under chloride environment
S Muthulingam, BN Rao
Corrosion Science 93, 267-282, 2015
Hybrid high dimensional model representation for reliability analysis
R Chowdhury, BN Rao
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (5-8), 753-765, 2009
An element-free Galerkin method for probabilistic mechanics and reliability
S Rahman, BN Rao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (50-51), 9313-9330, 2001
High dimensional model representation based formulations for fuzzy finite element analysis of structures
AS Balu, BN Rao
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 50, 217-230, 2012
High dimensional model representation for piece‐wise continuous function approximation
R Chowdhury, BN Rao, AM Prasad
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 24 (12), 1587-1609, 2008
Interaction integrals for fracture analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric materials
BN Rao, M Kuna
International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 (20), 5237-5257, 2008
Probabilistic fracture mechanics by Galerkin meshless methods–part II: reliability analysis
S Rahman, BN Rao
Computational mechanics 28, 365-374, 2002
Probabilistic fracture mechanics by Galerkin meshless methods–part I: rates of stress intensity factors
BN Rao, S Rahman
Computational Mechanics 28 (5), 351-364, 2002
Development of fragility curves using high‐dimensional model representation
VU Unnikrishnan, AM Prasad, BN Rao
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 42 (3), 419-430, 2013
Design optimization of multistable variable-stiffness laminates
PM Anilkumar, A Haldar, E Jansen, BN Rao, R Rolfes
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 26 (1), 48-55, 2019
Probabilistic analysis using high dimensional model representation and fast Fourier transform
BN Rao, R Chowdhury
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and …, 2008
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Articles 1–20