Sivasankar Perumal
Sivasankar Perumal
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Hybrid PSO-HSA and PSO-GA algorithm for 3D path planning in autonomous UAVs
B Abhishek, S Ranjit, T Shankar, G Eappen, P Sivasankar, A Rajesh
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-16, 2020
Developing a knowledge structure using Outcome based Education in Power Electronics Engineering
GA Rathy, P Sivasankar, TG Gnanasambandhan
Elsevier Procedia Computer Science 172, 1026-1032, 2020
An efficient IoT based biomedical health monitoring and diagnosing system using myRIO
GA Rathy, P Sivasankar, TZ Fadhil
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 18 (6 …, 2020
Performance evaluation of energy efficient on-demand routing algorithms for MANET
P Sivasankar, C Chellappan, S Balaji
2008 IEEE Region 10 and the Third international Conference on Industrial and …, 2008
Hybrid approach for optimal cluster head selection in WSN using leach and monkey search algorithms
T Shankar, A Karthikeyan, P Sivasankar, A Rajesh
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 12 (2), 506-517, 2017
Performance evaluation of energy efficient routing protocols for MANET
P Sivasankar, C Chellappan, S Balaji
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2011
Context-aware energy conserving routing algorithm for internet of things
D Kothandaraman, C Chellappan, P Sivasankar, SN Pasha
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol 11, 2019
Efficient syn spoofing detection and mitigation scheme for ddos attack
L Kavisankar, C Chellappan, S Venkatesan, P Sivasankar
2017 second international conference on recent trends and challenges in …, 2017
Implementation of Smart Sleep Mechanism and Hybrid Data Collection Technique for Maximizing Network Lifetime in WSN's
T Shankar, A Karthikeyan, P Sivasankar, RR Neha
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8, 1, 2015
Cache based energy efficient strategies in mobile ad hoc networks
K Murugan, S Balaji, P Sivasankar, S Shanmugavel
2005 IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, 2005 …, 2005
A Battery Monitoring System based on IoT for Electric Vehicles
P Sasirekha, E Sneka, B Velmurugan, MS Hameed, P Sivasankar
2023 5th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology …, 2023
Block Chain based Grey Hole Detection Q Learning based CDS Environment in Cloud-MANET.
DSJD Prasanna, DJ Aravindhar, P Sivasankar
Webology 18 (SI01), 88-106, 2021
3-Axis Robot Arm Using Micro-Stepping with Closed-Loop Control
GA Rathy, P Sivasankar, A Balaji, K Gunasekaran
International Conference on Advanced Communication and Computational …, 2019
Ppssm: push/pull smooth video streaming multicast protocol design and implementation for an overlay network
T Ruso, C Chellappan, P Sivasankar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 17097-17119, 2016
IOT based traffic monitoring using raspberry Pi
P Sivasankar, B Brindhavathy
Int. J. Res. Eng. Sci. Technol.(IJRESTs) 1 (7), 2016
A pioneer scheme in the detection and defense of DrDoS attack involving spoofed flooding packets
L Kavisankar, C Chellappan, P Sivasankar, A Karthi, A Srinivas
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 8 (5), 1726-1743, 2014
Vulnerabilities Detection in Cybersecurity Using Deep Learning–Based Information Security and Event Management
D Kothandaraman, SS Prasad, P Sivasankar
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Computer Network, 81-98, 2023
Optimized energy efficient routing protocols and their performance comparison for MANET
P Sivasankar, C Chellappan, S Balaji
Eur. J. Sci. Res 90 (1), 136-148, 2012
Reinforcement Learning Based Virtual Backbone Construction in MANET using Connected Dominating Sets
Sivasankar. P, John Deva Prasanna. D. S, John Aravindhar, Karthikeyan Perumal
Journal of Critical Reviews 7 (9), 146-152, 2020
A Study on Charging Infrastructure and the Topologies of Fast Charging Techniques in Electric Vehicle
GAR P.Sivasankar
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology 5 (2 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20