Dr. Archana Sharma
Dr. Archana Sharma
Department of Biophysics, University of Delhi South Campus
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Acidophilic bacteria and archaea: acid stable biocatalysts and their potential applications
A Sharma, Y Kawarabayasi, T Satyanarayana
Extremophiles 16 (1), 1-19, 2012
Microbial acidstable amylases: characteristics and applications
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Process Biochemistry 48, 201-211, 2013
Phylogeography of mtDNA haplogroup R7 in the Indian peninsula
C Gyaneshwer, K Monika, M Ene, M Mait, SR Deepa, S Vijay, Kumar, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 227, 2008
Cloning and expression of acidstable, high maltose-forming, Ca2+-independent α-amylase from an acidophile Bacillus acidicola and its applicability in starch hydrolysis
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Extremophiles 16 (3), 515-522, 2012
High maltose-forming, Ca2+-independent and acid stable alpha-amylase from a novel acidophilic bacterium, Bacillus acidicola TSAS1
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Biotechnology Letters 32, 1503-1507, 2010
Acidophilic Microbes: Biology and Applications.
A Sharma, D Parashar, T Satyanarayana
Biotechnology of extremophiles, 215-241, 2016
Optimization of medium components and cultural variables for enhanced production of acidic high maltose-forming and Ca2+-independent a-amylase by Bacillus acidicola.
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 111, 550-553, 2011
Comparative genomics of Bacillus species and its relevance in industrial microbiology.
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Genomics Insights 6, 25-36, 2013
Biotechnological applications of biocatalysts from the Firmicutes Bacillus and Geobacillus species
T Satyanarayana, A Sharma, D Mehta, AK Puri, V Kumar, M Nisha, ...
Microorganisms in Sustainable Agriculture and Biotechnology, 343-379, 2012
Structural and biochemical features of acidic α-amylase of Bacillus acidicola
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 61, 416-423, 2013
Characteristics of a high maltose-forming, acidstable and Ca2+-independent α-amylase of the acidophilic Bacillus acidicola
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 171 (8), 2053-2064, 2013
Navigating the structure–function–evolutionary relationship of CsaA chaperone in archaea.
A Sharma, S Rani, M Goel
Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 2017
Biophysical and Biochemical Characterization of Nascent Polypeptide-Associated Complex of Picrophilus torridus and Elucidation of Its Interacting Partners
MKMG Neelja Singhal , Archana Sharma, Shobha Kumari , Anjali Garg , Ruchica ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 915, 2020
 Uncovering the structure-function aspects of an archaeal CsaA protein.
A Sharma, KU Shobha, M Goel
BBA Protein and Proteomics 1869, 140615, 2021
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of CsaA from P. torridus: a chaperone rarely found in archaea.
A Sharma, RK Pal, M Goel
Current Chemical Biology 11, 63-68, 2017
Identification of binding partners of CsaA - an archaeal chaperonic protein of Picrophilus torridus
M Singhal, N., Sharma, A., Aswal, M., Singh, N., Kumar, M., and Goel
Protein and Peptide Letters.28 (6), 675-679. 28 (6), 675-679, 2020
Extremophiles as potential resource for food processing enzymes.
AST Satyanarayana
Microbial Enzyme Technology in Food Applications, 420-436, 2016
Production of high maltose-forming, Ca2+-independent α-amylase by Bacillus acidicola in solid state fermentation and using immobilized cells and its …
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 168, 1025-1034, 2012
Diversity and biotechnological applications of acidophilic bacteria and archaea
A Sharma, T Satyanarayana
Molecular Biotechnology, 935-956, 2009
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Articles 1–19