Dr. Prashant Mishra
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Cited by
Religiosity and consumer behavior: A summarizing review
R Agarwala, Riddhi, Mishra, Prashant, & Singh
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 16 (1), 32-54, 2019
Leadership Effectiveness.
U Dhar, P Mishra
Journal of Management Research (09725814) 1 (4), 2001
Corporate social responsibility: Linking bottom of the pyramid to market development?
R Singh, M Bakshi, P Mishra
Journal of Business Ethics 131, 361-373, 2015
Impact of consumption emotions on WOM in movie consumption: Empirical evidence from emerging markets
P Mishra, M Bakshi, R Singh
Australasian Marketing Journal 24 (1), 59-67, 2016
Have green, pay more: An empirical investigation of consumer’s attitude towards green packaging in an emerging economy
P Mishra, T Jain, M Motiani
Essays on Sustainability and Management: Emerging Perspectives, 125-150, 2017
Sales technology usage: Modeling the role of support service, peer usage, perceived usefulness and attitude
AK Upadhyay, K Khandelwal, T Nandan, P Mishra
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 30 (1), 257-271, 2018
Does managing customer accounts receivable impact customer relationships, and sales performance? An empirical investigation
RP Singh, R Singh, P Mishra
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 60, 102460, 2021
Structural equation modelling of determinants of consumer-based brand equity of newspapers
M Bakshi, P Mishra
Journal Of Media Business Studies 13 (2), 73-94, 2016
Celebrity Endorsers and Adolescents: A Study of Gender Influences
P Mishra, U Dhar, S Raotiwala
Vikalpa 26 (4), 59-66, 2001
Job-satisfaction as correlate of HRD climate-an empirical study
P Mishra, U Dhar, S Dhar
Indian Society for Training and Development, 1999
Evaluating the Impact of Religious Icons and Symbols on Consumer’s Brand Evaluation: Context of Hindu Religion
R Agarwala, P Mishra, R Singh
Journal of Advertising, 1-19, 2021
Drivers of brand equity of television news channels: evidences from emerging market
M Bakshi, P Mishra
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 35 (1), 147-162, 2017
Looking forward, looking back: Drawing on the past to shape the future of marketing: Proceedings of the 2013 world marketing congress
C Campbell, JJ Ma
Springer, 2015
A framework for performance evaluation of channel partners in distribution relationships
V Goyal, P Mishra
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 65 (4), 503-531, 2016
Strategic imperatives of communicating CSR through digital media: An emerging market perspective
P Mishra, M Bakshi
Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Era, 35-49, 2017
The effect of content credibility on consumer–based brand equity: the case of Indian television channels
M Bakshi, BM Khan, P Mishra
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 8 (3), 329-344, 2014
Emotional Intelligence as a correlate of Thinking Orientation among future managers
P Mishra, U Dhar
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 323-338, 2001
Type A/B Behaviour Pattern and Occupation as Predictors of Occupational Role Stress
M Jain, P Mishra, S Kothari
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 528-553, 2002
Market orientation and customer-based corporate brand equity (CBCBE): A dyadic study of Indian B2B firms
S Sarkar, P Mishra
Journal of Strategic Marketing 25 (5-6), 367-383, 2017
Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment: Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress
MD Groza, CB Ragland
Springer, 2015
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Articles 1–20