Sandip Oza
Sandip Oza
Scientist, Space Applications Centre, ISRO
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Concurrent use of active and passive microwave remote sensing data for monitoring of rice crop
SR Oza, S Panigrahy, JS Parihar
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 10 (3 …, 2008
An investigation of the southern ocean surface temperature variability using long‐term optimum interpolation SST data
M Maheshwari, RK Singh, SR Oza, R Kumar
International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 (1), 392632, 2013
Study of inter-annual variations in surface melting over Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, using space-borne scatterometer data
SR Oza, RKK Singh, NK Vyas, A Sarkar
Journal of earth system science 120, 329-336, 2011
Observing long-term changes in rice phenology using NOAA–AVHRR and DMSP–SSM/I satellite sensor measurements in Punjab, India
RP Singh, SR Oza, MR Pandya
Current Science, 1217-1221, 2006
Spatial and temporal patterns of surface soil moisture over India estimated using surface wetness index from SSM/I microwave radiometer
RP Singh, SR Oza, KN Chaudhari, VK Dadhwal
International Journal of Remote Sensing 26 (6), 1269-1276, 2005
Long-term variability in Arctic sea surface temperatures
RK Singh, M Maheshwari, SR Oza, R Kumar
Polar Science 7 (3-4), 233-240, 2013
Macro Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping-Case Study from Bodi–Bodimettu Ghats Section, Theni District, Tamil Nadu-India
M Kannan, E Saranathan, R Anbalagan
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 39, 485-496, 2011
Estimation of thin ice thickness from the advanced microwave scanning radiometer-EOS for coastal polynyas in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
RK Singh, SR Oza, NK Vyas, A Sarkar
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 49 (8), 2993-2998, 2011
Assessment of cryospheric parameters over the Himalaya and Antarctic regions using SCATSAT-1 enhanced resolution data
SR Oza, RV Bothale, DR Rajak, P Jayaprasad, S Maity, PK Thakur, ...
Current Science 117 (6), 1002-1013, 2019
Large area soil moisture estimation and mapping using space-borne multi-frequency passive microwave data
SR Oza, RP Singh, VK Dadhwal, PS Desai
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 34, 343-350, 2006
Spatial–temporal patterns of surface melting observed over Antarctic ice shelves using scatterometer data
SR Oza
Antarctic Science 27 (04), 403-410, 2015
Evaluation of Ku‐band QuikSCAT scatterometer data for rice crop growth stage assessment
SR Oza, JS Parihar
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (16), 3447-3456, 2007
Rice-acreage estimation for Orrisa using remotely sensed data
S Panigrahy, JS Parihar, NK Patel, VK Dadhwal, TT Medhavy, BK Ghose, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 19, 17-26, 1991
Sea ice occurrence probability data and its applications over the Antarctic
DR Rajak, RK Singh, P Jayaprasad, SR Oza, R Sharma, R Kumar
J. Geomatics 9 (2), 193-197, 2015
Estimation of sea ice freeboard from SARAL/AltiKa data
M Maheshwari, C Mahesh, KS Rajkumar, J Pallipad, DR Rajak, SR Oza, ...
Marine Geodesy 38 (sup1), 487-496, 2015
Inter-annual variations observed in spring and summer Antarctic sea ice extent in recent decade
SR Oza, RKK Singh, A Srivastava, MK Dash, IML Das, NK Vyas
Mausam 62 (4), 633-640, 2011
Rift assessment and potential calving zone of Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
S Darji, SR Oza, RD Shah, BP Rathore, IM Bahuguna
Current Science 115 (9), 1799-1804, 2018
Recent trends of arctic and antarctic summer sea-ice cover observed from space-borne scatterometer
SR Oza, RKK Singh, NK Vyas, A Sarkar
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 38, 611-616, 2010
Advances in Antarctic sea ice studies in India
SR Oza
Spatio-temporal coherence based technique for near-real time sea-ice identification from scatterometer data
SR Oza, RKK Singh, NK Vyas, BS Gohil, A Sarkar
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 39, 147-152, 2011
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Articles 1–20