David Hynd
David Hynd
Chief Scientist, Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)
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The effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of human cortical bone
U Hansen, P Zioupos, R Simpson, JD Currey, D Hynd
Journal of biomechanical engineering 130 (1), 2008
Injury Risk Curves for the WorldSID 50th Male Dummy
A Petitjean, X Trosseille, N Praxl, D Hynd, A Irwin
SAE Technical Paper, 2012
Overview of serious thorax injuries in European frontal car crash accidents and implications for crash test dummy development
J Carroll, T Adolph, C Chauvel, M Labrousse, X Trosseille, C Pastor, ...
Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference, 217-234, 2010
Injury patterns of older car occupants, older pedestrians or cyclists in road traffic crashes with passenger cars in Europe—Results from SENIORS
M Wisch, M Lerner, E Vukovic, D Hynd, A Fiorentino, A Fornells
Proceedings of the 2017 IRCOBI conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 13-15, 2017
Development of injury risk functions for use with the THORAX Demonstrator; an updated THOR
J Davidsson, J Carroll, D Hynd, E Lecuyer, E Song, X Trosseille, A Eggers, ...
IRCOBI Conference, 10-12, 2014
Q-dummies report: advanced child dummies and injury criteria for frontal impact
J Wismans, CD Waagmeester, M le Claire, D Hynd, K de Jager, ...
EEVC, 2008
Benefit and feasibility of a range of new technologies and unregulated measures in the fields of vehicle occupant safety and protection of vulnerable road users
D Hynd, M McCarthy, J Carroll, M Seidl, M Edwards, C Visvikis, M Tress, ...
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
P Lemmen, D Hynd, J Carroll, J Davidsson, B Been, E Song, B Steeger
Analyses of thoracic and lumbar spine injuries in frontal impacts
T Adolph, M Wisch, A Eggers, H Johannsen, R Cuerden, J Carroll, ...
Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference on Biomechanics of Impacts, 2013
The potential for cycle helmets to prevent injury-a review of the evidence
D Hynd, RW Cuerden, S Reid, S Adams
TRL Published Project Reports 2011 (PPR446), 1-118, 2011
Study on the benefits resulting from the installation of Event Data Recorders
D Hynd, M McCarthy
An advanced thorax–shoulder design for the THOR dummy
P Lemmen, B Been, J Carroll, D Hynd, J Davidsson, L Martinez, A García, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd ESV Conference, 2013
Evaluation of near-side oblique frontal impacts using THOR with SD3 shoulder
C Sunnevång, E Lecuyer, D Hynd, J Carroll, D Kruse, O Boström
Traffic injury prevention 15 (sup1), S96-S102, 2014
Development of an advanced frontal dummy thorax demonstrator
P Lemmen, B Been, J Carroll, D Hynd, J Davidsson, E Song, E Lecuyer
Proceedings of the IRCOBI conference 40, 828-842, 2012
Biofidelity impact response requirements for an advanced mid-sized male crash test dummy
B Van Don, M van Ratingen, F Bermond, C Masson, P Vezin, D Hynd, ...
18th ESV-International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of …, 2003
Restraint system safety diversity in frontal impact accidents
D Hynd, J Carroll, R Cuerden, D Kruse, O Boström
Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of …, 2012
Restraint system safety diversity in frontal impact accidents
D Hynd, JA Carroll, D Richards, R Wood, O Goodacre
TRL Published Project Reports 2011 (PPR577), 1-249, 2011
Comparison of the THORAX Demonstrator and HIII sensitivity to crash severity and occupant restraint variation
C Sunnevång, D Hynd, J Carroll, M Dahlgren
Proceedings of the IRCOBI Conference, 2014
Upper extremity injuries in road traffic accidents
PJ Wraighte, PA Manning, WA Wallace, D Hynd
Shoulder & Elbow 3 (3), 184-187, 2011
Matrix of serious thorax injuries by occupant characteristics, impact conditions and restraint type and identification of the important injury mechanisms to be considered in …
J Carroll, R Cuerden, D Richards, S Smith, R Cookson, D Hynd, T Adolph, ...
COVER project GA, 2009
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Articles 1–20