Sharmila Joseph
Cited by
Cited by
Variation in Nutritive Composition of Two Commercially Important
S Ravichandran, FRS Joseph, R Kanagalakshmi, MS Ramya
International Journal of Zoological Research 8 (1), 43-51, 2012
Optimization of cellulase production by Bacillus altitudinis APS MSU and Bacillus licheniformis APS2 MSU, gut isolates of fish Etroplus suratensis
PA Sreeja, SJ, Jeba Malar PW, Sharmila Joseph FR, Steffi T, Immanuel G
IJOART 2, 401-406, 2013
In vivo safety evaluation of antibacterial silver chloride nanoparticles from Streptomyces exfoliatus ICN25 in zebrafish embryos
AM Iniyan, RR Kannan, FJRS Joseph, TRJ Mary, M Rajasekar, PC Sumy, ...
Microbial pathogenesis 112, 76-82, 2017
HR-LC-MS based analysis of two antibacterial metabolites from a marine sponge symbiont Streptomyces pharmamarensis ICN40
FJRS Joseph, AM Iniyan, SGP Vincent
Microbial pathogenesis 111, 450-457, 2017
Cell wall distracting anti-Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus compound PVI331 from a marine sponge associated Streptomyces
AM Iniyan, TRJ Mary, FJRS Joseph, RR Kannan, SGP Vincent
journal of applied biomedicine 14 (4), 273-283, 2016
Streptomyces marianii sp. nov., a novel marine actinomycete from southern coast of India
VSGP Iniyan AM, Wink J, Landwehr W, Ramprasad EVV, Sasikala Ch, Ramana VCh ...
The Journal of Antibiotics, 2020
Shell disease in the Freshwater crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis
FRS Joseph, N Latha, S Ravichandran, ARS Devi, K Sivasubramanian
Int J Fish Aquat Stud 1, 105-110, 2014
Shell diseases of Brachyuran crabs
S Joseph, S Ravichandran
Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (3), 117-127, 2012
In vitro antimicrobial activity of tissue extracts of puffer fish Arothron immaculatus against clinical pathogens
K Kumaravel, S Ravichandran, FRS Joseph, D Manikodi, M Doimi
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 9 (6), 446-449, 2011
Anti-MRSA potential of phenolic compound isolated from a marine derived actinomycete Micromonospora sp. ICN36
AM Iniyan, FRS Joseph, RR Kannan, SGP Vincent
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2016
Shell disease of Neoepisesarma mederi crabs and its associated secondary infections
FRS Joseph, S Ravichandran, K Kumaravel
African Journal of Microbiology Research 7 (15), 1389-1396, 2013
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Articles 1–11