Daniel F. Eberl
Daniel F. Eberl
Professor of Biology, University of Iowa
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Genetically similar transduction mechanisms for touch and hearing in Drosophila
DF Eberl, RW Hardy, MJ Kernan
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (16), 5981-5988, 2000
TRPA channels distinguish gravity sensing from hearing in Johnston's organ
Y Sun, L Liu, Y Ben-Shahar, JS Jacobs, DF Eberl, MJ Welsh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (32), 13606-13611, 2009
Drosophila KAP interacts with the kinesin II motor subunit KLP64D to assemble chordotonal sensory cilia, but not sperm tails
R Sarpal, SV Todi, E Sivan-Loukianova, S Shirolikar, N Subramanian, ...
Current biology 13 (19), 1687-1696, 2003
The role of heterochromatin in the expression of a heterochromatic gene, the rolled locus of Drosophila melanogaster.
DF Eberl, BJ Duyf, AJ Hilliker
Genetics 134 (1), 277-292, 1993
A genetic screen for mutations that disrupt an auditory response in Drosophila melanogaster
DF Eberl, GM Duyk, N Perrimon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (26), 14837-14842, 1997
Dynamic analysis of larval locomotion in Drosophila chordotonal organ mutants
JC Caldwell, MM Miller, S Wing, DR Soll, DF Eberl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (26), 16053-16058, 2003
pPTGAL, a convenient Gal4 P‐element vector for testing expression of enhancer fragments in Drosophila
Y Sharma, U Cheung, EW Larsen, DF Eberl
Genesis 34 (1‐2), 115-118, 2002
Feeling the vibes: chordotonal mechanisms in insect hearing.
DF Eberl
Current opinion in neurobiology 9 (4), 389-393, 1999
Drosophila N-cadherin mediates an attractive interaction between photoreceptor axons and their targets
S Prakash, JC Caldwell, DF Eberl, TR Clandinin
Nature neuroscience 8 (4), 443-450, 2005
Anatomical and molecular design of the Drosophila antenna as a flagellar auditory organ
SV Todi, Y Sharma, DF Eberl
Microscopy research and technique 63 (6), 388-399, 2004
Acoustic communication in Drosophila
E Tauber, DF Eberl
Behavioural processes 64 (2), 197-210, 2003
Towards a molecular understanding of drosophila hearing
JC Caldwell, DF Eberl
Journal of neurobiology 53 (2), 172-189, 2002
An IFT-A protein is required to delimit functionally distinct zones in mechanosensory cilia
E Lee, E Sivan-Loukianova, DF Eberl, MJ Kernan
Current Biology 18 (24), 1899-1906, 2008
Cloning and characterization of a calcium channel alpha 1 subunit from Drosophila melanogaster with similarity to the rat brain type D isoform
W Zheng, G Feng, D Ren, DF Eberl, F Hannan, M Dubald, LM Hall
The Journal of Neuroscience 15 (2), 1132-1143, 1995
Myosin VIIA defects, which underlie the Usher 1B syndrome in humans, lead to deafness in Drosophila
SV Todi, JD Franke, DP Kiehart, DF Eberl
Current Biology 15 (9), 862-868, 2005
The role of bHLH genes in ear development and evolution: revisiting a 10-year-old hypothesis
B Fritzsch, DF Eberl, KW Beisel
Cellular and molecular life sciences 67, 3089-3099, 2010
Development of Johnston’s organ in Drosophila
DF Eberl, G Boekhoff-Falk
The International journal of developmental biology 51 (6-7), 679-687, 2007
Genetic and Developmental Characterization of Dmca1D, a Calcium Channel α1 Subunit Gene in Drosophila melanogaster
DF Eberl, D Ren, G Feng, LJ Lorenz, D Van Vactor, LM Hall
Genetics 148 (3), 1159-1169, 1998
Transmembrane channel-like (tmc) gene regulates Drosophila larval locomotion
Y Guo, Y Wang, W Zhang, S Meltzer, D Zanini, Y Yu, J Li, T Cheng, Z Guo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (26), 7243-7248, 2016
Dynamic range compression in the honey bee auditory system toward waggle dance sounds
S Tsujiuchi, E Sivan-Loukianova, DF Eberl, Y Kitagawa, T Kadowaki
PLoS One 2 (2), e234, 2007
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Articles 1–20