Bhaswar Dutta Gupta
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Cited by
Rogue waves in a linear cavity Yb-fiber laser through spectral filtering induced pulse instability
SD Chowdhury, BD Gupta, S Chatterjee, R Sen, M Pal
Optics Letters 44 (9), 2161-2164, 2019
Intermittent events due to spectral filtering induced multi-pulsing instability in a mode-locked fiber laser
BD Gupta, SD Chowdhury, D Dhirhe, M Pal
JOSA B 37 (8), 2278-2286, 2020
Explosion induced rogue waves and chaotic multi-pulsing in a passively mode-locked all-normal dispersion fiber laser
SD Chowdhury, BD Gupta, S Chatterjee, R Sen, M Pal
Journal of Optics 22 (6), 065505, 2020
Modeling of mode-locked fiber lasers and amplifiers with accurate saturable gain evaluation
B Dutta Gupta, I Hendry, S Tang, T Berthelot, P Du Teilleul, S Cozic, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39 (12), 3223-3230, 2022
Towards high-power MOPA architectures in single-mode fibers for mid-IR mode-locked operation
B Dutta Gupta, S Tang, T Berthelot, S Cozic, S Poulain, C Aguergaray
Optics Express 32 (13), 23448-23457, 2024
Multi-wavelength, nano-second actively mode-locked Yb-fiber oscillator with 100 nm wide Raman broadened spectrum
SD Chowdhury, BD Gupta, M Pal
Optics & Laser Technology 123, 105905, 2020
Design And Analysis Of High Gain Diode Pre-Distortion Linearizer For TWTA
A Misra, A Sarkar, BD Gupta
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 6 (5), 67, 2014
Towards Watt-level, Spectrally Flat Supercontinuum from mid-IR Mode-locked Fibre Laser
BD Gupta, I Hendry, S Tang, M Erkintalo, C Aguergaray
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, cj_7_4, 2023
Accurate modelling of mode-locked dynamics in fibre lasers
BD Gupta, M Erkintalo, C Aguergaray
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SF2H. 7, 2022
Accurate modelling of CW mid-infrared fibre lasers
BD Gupta, I Hendry, S Tang, NG Broderick, M Erkintalo, C Aguergaray
Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources, MF4C. 6, 2022
Numerical Simulation of Rogue Waves Due to Spectral Filtering Effect in a Mode-Locked Fiber Laser
B Dutta Gupta, S Das Chowdhury, M Pal
ICOL-2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Optics and Electro …, 2021
Rogue Waves in Pulse Transition due to Spectral Filtering Effect in a Mode-Locked Fiber Laser
BD Gupta, SD Chowdhury, M Pal
Nonlinear Optics, NTu4A. 26, 2019
Observation of Rogue Waves in Stretched Pulse Train from a Linear Cavity Mode-locked Fiber Laser
SD Chowdhury, BD Gupta, M Pal
Nonlinear Optics, NTu4A. 21, 2019
Numerical Simulation of Rogue Waves due to Spectral Filtering Effect in a Mode-locked Fiber Laser
BD Gupta, SD Chowdhury, M Pal
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Articles 1–14