Purusattam Ray
Purusattam Ray
Professor of Physics, IMSC, Chennai, India
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First-order transition in the breakdown of disordered media
S Zapperi, P Ray, HE Stanley, A Vespignani
Physical Review Letters 78 (8), 1408, 1997
Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model in a transverse field: Absence of replica symmetry breaking due to quantum fluctuations
P Ray, BK Chakrabarti, A Chakrabarti
Physical Review B 39 (16), 11828, 1989
Avalanches in breakdown and fracture processes
S Zapperi, P Ray, HE Stanley, A Vespignani
Physical Review E 59 (5), 5049, 1999
Statistics of fracture surfaces
S Santucci, KJ Måløy, A Delaplace, J Mathiesen, A Hansen, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (1 …, 2007
Finite-size effect in the dynamics near the glass transition
P Ray, K Binder
Europhysics Letters 27 (1), 53, 1994
Statistical physics of fracture, breakdown, and earthquake: effects of disorder and heterogeneity
S Biswas, P Ray, BK Chakrabarti
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
A microscopic approach to the statistical fracture analysis of disordered brittle solids
P Ray, BK Chakrabarti
Solid state communications 53 (5), 477-479, 1985
Dispersity-driven melting transition in two-dimensional solids
MR Sadr-Lahijany, P Ray, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 79 (17), 3206, 1997
Persistence in higher dimensions: A finite size scaling study
G Manoj, P Ray
Physical Review E 62 (6), 7755, 2000
Chirality-glass and spin-glass correlations in the two-dimensional random-bond XY model
P Ray, MA Moore
Physical Review B 45 (10), 5361, 1992
The critical behaviour of fracture properties of dilute brittle solids near the percolation threshold
P Ray, BK Chakrabarti
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 18 (9), L185, 1985
Modes of failure in disordered solids
S Roy, S Biswas, P Ray
Physical Review E 96 (6), 063003, 2017
Persistence at the onset of spatio-temporal intermittency in coupled map lattices
GI Menon, S Sinha, P Ray
Europhysics Letters 61 (1), 27, 2003
Analysis of damage clusters in fracture processes
S Zapperi, P Ray, HE Stanley, A Vespignani
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 270 (1-2), 57-62, 1999
Scaling and fractal formation in persistence
G Manoj, P Ray
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (12), L109, 2000
Nucleation versus percolation: Scaling criterion for failure in disordered solids
S Biswas, S Roy, P Ray
Physical Review E 91 (5), 050105, 2015
Critical behavior in fiber bundle model: a study on brittle to quasi-brittle transition
S Roy, P Ray
Europhysics Letters 112 (2), 26004, 2015
Universal scaling dynamics in a perturbed granular gas
Z Jabeen, R Rajesh, P Ray
Europhysics Letters 89 (3), 34001, 2010
Magnitude distribution of earthquakes: Two fractal contact area distribution
S Pradhan, BK Chakrabarti, P Ray, MK Dey
Physica Scripta 2003 (T106), 77, 2003
Dynamics near the glass transition in two-dimensional polymer melts: a Monte Carlo simulation study
P Ray, J Baschnagel, K Binder
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (32), 5731, 1993
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Articles 1–20