Dr. D. H. Pawar
Dr. D. H. Pawar
Assistent professor of geography Shivaji University Kolhapur
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Cited by
Socio-economic Status of Slum Dwellers with Special Reference to Women: Geographical Investigation of Kolhapur Slums
DH Pawar, VD Mane
Research Front, an International Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Research …, 2013
River Water Pollution, an Environmental Crisis a Case Study of Panchaganga River of Kolhapur
DH Pawar
International Journal of Environmetn and Developmetn IJED 9 (1), 131-133, 2012
Linear aspects of basin morphometry of Panchaganga river (Kolhapur): Western Maharashtra
DH Pawar, AK Raskar
Int. Referred Research Journal 2 (20), 95-97, 2011
Mining and Consequent Ecological Problems: A Case Study of Durgamanwad, Radhanagari, Kolhapur* DH Pawar** AT Gaikwad
DH Pawar
Indian Journal of Research, 0.328 Impact Factor ISSN 2250-1991, 2 (1), 71-72, 2013
Physico-chemical status of the water of historical lakes and tanks in Kolhapur city
DH Pawar
Review of research, 1 (4), 1-4, 2009
Geographical Analysis of Population Pressure on Land in Maharashtra
KC Ramotra, SK Vadiyar, DH Pawar
Indian Journal of Regional Science 37, 138, 2005
" Physico-chemical status of the water of historical lakes and tanks in Kolhapur city".
DH Pawar
Response of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) variety CS 3541 to nitrogen fertilizer and economics of fertilization.
DH Pawar, NT Sarnaik, KR Pawar
Agriculture Problems and Prospects of Drought Prone Region in Sangali District of Maharashtra
DH Pawar, KR Jadhav
Maharashtra Bhugolshastra Sanshodhan Patrika, ISSN: 0971-6785, 29 (1), 42-45, 2012
Geographical and Historical Tourism in India
DH Pawar
Tourism in India, for B.A.-II, Sem. IV Paper-IDS-II,2017 1, 2017
Analysis of Social Structure of Quarry Workers,
DH Pawar, S S. G.
Proceeding ISBN:978-81-930943-0-3, National Conference on Environmental …, 2016
Nutritional Status of Women in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra,
DH Pawar, VD Mane
Research Front, ISSN (Print) 2320 – 6446, (Online) 2320 – 8341, 1 (1), 263-270, 2016
Social Status of Agriculture Labour in Sangali District, a Geographical Study,
DH Pawar, J K. R.
Proceeding ISBN:978-81-930943-1-0, Nationalo Seminar on Geo-social …, 2016
Hydrogeomorphic Characatersitics of Panchaganga River Basin,
DH Pawar, R A. K.
The Deccan Geographer, (ISSN-0011-7269) 54 (1), 101-108, 2016
Environment Impact Assessment of ‘Dharangutti’ Rock Quarry Cluster of Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
DH Pawar, S S. G.
Proceeding of National conference on Resource Management & Sustainable …, 2015
Education Status of Slum Women of Kolhapur City: A Geographical Analysis.
DH Pawar, VD Mane
Proceeding, ISBN-978-81-921350-8-3, National Conference on Sustainable …, 2015
Socio-economic Status of Malvan Tahsil: a Geographical Review
DH Pawar, S Lavate
Review of Research Journal, ISSN 2249-894X, 4 (8), 1-8, 2015
Concern and Conservation of River (ISBN 978-3-659-78895-6)
DH Pawar, R A. K.
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany., 2015
Geographical Outlook of Ecotourism (ISBN 978-3-639-76915-9)
DH Pawar, B Hake
‘Scholars Press’ Omni Scriptum GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-Bocking-Str. 6-8 …, 2015
Causes and Consequences of Pollution of Quasi-Wetland Waters of Kolhapur City: a Geographical Analysis.,
DH Pawar, P R. S.
‘Indian Geographical Quest’,ISSN:2231-668X, Vol.III, 2014-15, pp 11-22. 3 (1), 2015
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Articles 1–20