Joanna Mishtal
Cited by
Cited by
Religion, Conscience, and Controversial Clinical Practices
JZ Mishtal, W Chavkin
The New England Journal of Medicine 356 (18), 1889-92; author reply 1889-92, 2007
The Politics of Morality: The Church, the State, and Reproductive Rights in Postsocialist Poland.
J Mishtal
Ohio University Press, 2015
The Erosion of Rights to Abortion Care in the United States: A Call for a Renewed Anthropological Engagement with the Politics of Abortion.
E Andaya, J Mishtal
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 31 (1), 40-59, 2017
A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe
S De Zordo, J Mishtal, L Anton
Berghahn Books: Oxford and New York. In: Protest Culture & Society Series., 2016
Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground: The Cases of Brazil and Poland.
S De Zordo, J Mishtal
Women's Health Issues 21 (3), S32-S36, 2011
Irrational non-reproduction? The ‘dying nation’and the postsocialist logics of declining motherhood in Poland
J Mishtal
Anthropology & Medicine 19 (2), 153-169, 2012
Understanding Low Fertility in Poland: Demographic Consequences of Postsocialist Neoliberal Restructuring
JZ Mishtal
Demographic Research 21 (20), 599-626, 2009
Understanding Low Fertility in Poland: Demographic Consequences of Gendered Discrimination in Employment and Postsocialist Neoliberal Restructuring.
J Mishtal
Etnografia Polska 58 (1-2), 175-189, 2014
Matters of “Conscience”: The Politics of Reproductive Healthcare in Poland
JZ Mishtal
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 23 (2), 161-183, 2009
Gestational age limits for abortion and cross‐border reproductive care in Europe: a mixed‐methods study
S De Zordo, G Zanini, J Mishtal, C Garnsey, AK Ziegler, C Gerdts
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 128 (5), 838-845, 2021
Experiences of Women Who Travel to England for Abortions: An Exploratory Pilot Study
C Gerdts, S DeZordo, J Mishtal, J Barr-Walker, PA Lohr
The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care 21 (5), 401-407, 2016
Neoliberal Reforms and Privatisation of Reproductive Health Services in Post-Socialist Poland
J Mishtal
Reproductive Health Matters 18 (36), 56-66, 2010
Asylum in crisis: Migrant policy, entrapment, and the role of non-governmental organisations in Siracusa, Italy
A Kersch, J Mishtal
Refugee Survey Quarterly 35 (4), 97-121, 2016
Reconciling Religious Identity and Reproductive Practices: The Church and Contraception in Poland
J Mishtal, R Dannefer
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 15 (4 …, 2010
Reproductive Governance and the (Re)definition of Human Rights in Poland
J Mishtal
Medical Anthropology Journal 38 (2), 182-194, 2019
Abortion policy implementation in Ireland: Lessons from the community model of care
J Mishtal, K Reeves, D Chakravarty, L Grimes, B Stifani, W Chavkin, ...
Plos One 17 (5), e0264494, 2022
Reproductive governance in the new Europe: Competing visions of morality, sovereignty and supranational policy
J Mishtal
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 23 (1), 59-76, 2014
How the Church Became the State: The Catholic Regime and Reproductive Rights and Policies in Poland
J Mishtal
In: Gender Politics and Everyday Life in State Socialist Eastern and Central …, 2009
Managing an Epidemic: Zika Interventions and Community Responses in Belize
D Gray, J Mishtal
Global Public Health Journal 14 (1), 9-22, 2019
Consequences of gestational age limits for people needing abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic
S De Zordo, J Mishtal, G Zanini, C Gerdts
Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 28 (1), 1818377, 2020
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Articles 1–20