Professor of Management
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Cited by
Organizational climate, opportunities, challenges and psychological wellbeing of the remote working employees during COVID-19 pandemic: A general linear model approach with …
DKDV Prasad, DMR Mangipudi, DR Vaidya, B Muralidhar
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology …, 2020
Effect of occupational stress and remote working on psychological well-being of employees: An empirical analysis during covid-19 pandemic concerning information technology …
KDV Prasad, RW Vaidya, MR Mangipudi
Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies 11 (2), 1-13, 2020
A study on causes of stress among the employees and its effect on the employee performance at the workplace in an International Agricultural Research Institute, Hyderabad …
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, V Anil Kumar
International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy 4 (4), 68-82, 2015
Association among Covid-19 parameters, occupational stress and employee performance: An empirical study with reference to Agricultural Research Sector in Hyderabad Metro
KDV Prasad, RW Vaidya
Sustainable Humanosphere 16 (2), 235-253, 2020
Teacher’s performance as a function of occupational stress and coping with reference to CBSE affiliated school teachers in and around Hyderabad: a multinomial regression approach
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, VA Kumar
Psychology 7 (13), 1700-1718, 2016
Gamification and resource pooling for improving operational efficiency and effective management of human resources: A case study with an ecommerce company
KDV Prasad, DMR Mangipudi, DR Vaidya
International Journal of Management (IJM) 10 (6), 2019
Study on the causes of stress among the employees in IT sector and its effect on the employee performance at the workplace with special reference to International Agricultural …
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, V Kumar
International Journal of Management 7 (4), 2016, 2016
Remote working and occupational stress: Effects on IT-enabled industry employees in Hyderabad Metro, India
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, R Rani
Frontiers in psychology 14, 1069402, 2023
Association among occupational stress factors and performance at workplace among agricultural research sector employees at Hyderabad, India
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, V Anil Kumar
Pacific Business Review International (TSI) 10 (7), 27-36, 2018
Causes and effect of occupational stress and coping on performance with special reference to length of service: An empirical study using multinomial logistic regression approach
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya
Psychology 9 (10), 2457-2470, 2018
A comparative analysis on the causes of occupational stress among men and women employees and its effect on performance at the workplace of information technology sector, Hyderabad
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, VA Kumar, B Rekha
International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648) 7 (2), 796-807, 2016
Evolution of Performance Management Systems and the Impact on Organization’s Approach: A Statistical Perspective
DMR Mangipudi, DKDV Prasad, DR Vaidya, B Muralidhar
International Journal of Management 11 (5), 2020
Mental and emotional competencies of Leader’s dealing with disruptive business environment-A conceptual review
DR Vaidya, DKDV Prasad, DMR Mangipudi
International Journal of Management 11 (5), 2020
A Study of Digitalization in HRM and its Effectiveness in Execution of HR Strategies and Policies
MM Rao, R Vaidya
Helix The Scientific Explorer 8 (6), 4220-4222, 2018
Recruitment metrics and accomplishments: A study with reference to information technology sector
KDV Prasad, M Rao, R Vaidya
Journal of Management Research and Analysis 6 (2), 106-111, 2019
An empirical analysis of the training program characteristics on training program effectiveness: A case study with reference to International Agricultural Research Institute …
KDV Prasad, RW Vaidya, VA Kumar
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies 4 (3), 143-154, 2016
Factors influencing the performance appraisal system among women and men: a comparative analysis using multinomial logistic regression approach
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya
International Journal of Management 7 (6), 2016
employee performance as function of performance management system: An empirical study information technology enabled services companies around Hyderabad
MR Mangipudi, KDV Prasad, R Vaidya
European Journal of Business and Management Research 4 (4), 2019
A Comparative Analysis: Causes of Stress among the Employees and its Effect on the Performance at the Workplace in Agricultural Research and Information Technology Sectors
KDV Prasad, R Vaidya, VA Kumar
AIMA Journal of Management & Research 10 (4/4), 1-23, 2016
Optimization of human resources: Does human resource pooling in an organization help in improving capacity building and efficiency? A case study
MR Mangipudi, KDV Prasad, R Vaidya
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies 7 (3), 397-405, 2019
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Articles 1–20