muhammad s. abu-salih
muhammad s. abu-salih
professor of business administration, Amman Arab University
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Bayesian prediction bounds for the Burr type X model
H Ahmad Sartawi, MS Abu-Salih
Communications in statistics-Theory and Methods 20 (7), 2307-2330, 1991
Distributions of the product and the quotient of power-function random variables
MS Abu-Salih
Arab Journal of Mathematics 4, 77-90, 1983
Characterizations of probability distributions by conditional expectation of order statistics
AH Khan, MS Abu-Salih
Metron 47, 171-181, 1989
Bayes estimation of Weibull distribution parameters using ranked set sampling
A Helu, M Abu-Salih, O Alkam
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 39 (14), 2533-2551, 2010
Introduction to statistics [Arabic edition]
M Abu-Salih, A Awad
Wiley, 1983
Confidence limits for steady state availability
M Abu-Salih, N Anakerh, MS Ahmed
Pakistan Journal of Statistics 6 (2A), 189-196, 1999
On estimation of missing observations in linear regression models
MA Ali, MS Abu-Salih
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 404-411, 1988
Bayesian estimation of P (X< Y) for a bivariate exponential distribution.
MS Abu-Salih, A Shamseldin
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 6 (1), 17-26, 1988
Factors influencing the formulation of effective marketing strategies of Chinese businesses operating in Jordan
L Huang, M Abu-Salih, Y Megdadi
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4 (2), 156-169, 2013
Impact of job stress on job performance among the employees of Jordan
AM Abu-Hussein, MS Abu-Salih, LZ Al Saket
Research Journal of Social Sciences 9 (2), 1-9, 2016
Characterization of the Weibull and the inverse Weibulí Distributions through Conditional Moments
AH Khan, MS Abu-Salih
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 9 (3), 355-362, 1988
Prediction intervals of order statistics for the mixture of two exponential distributions
MS Abu-Salih, MSA Khan, K Husein
Aligarh. o r. Statist 7, 11-22, 1987
On Some Shrinkage Techniques For Estimating The Parameters Of Exponential Distribution
MAQ Yousef, MA Ali, MS Abu-Salih
Qatar University, 1986
Impact of Labor Rights on Jordanian Pharmacists' Satisfaction.
MME M.A.Abujaradat Alhuwitat, M.S. Abu-Salih
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 7 (8), 3361-3365, 2016
Consistency of maximum likelihood estimators for multiparameter Markov chains
B Al-Eideh, MS Abu-Salih, U Capar
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 9 (3), 391-404, 1988
On Bayes and empirical Bayes estimation of parameters and reliability function of two-parameter exponential distribution
MS Abu-Salih, MAQ Yousef, MA Ali
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 9 (3), 405-413, 1988
On the resolution of a mixture op observations from two modified power series distributions
MS Abu-Salih
Revista colombiana de matematicas 14 (3), 197-208, 1980
On termination with probability one and bounds on sample size distribution of sequential probability ratio tests where the underlying model is an exponential family
MSAK Abu-Salih
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1969
A method of selecting the levels of regressor variables in lognormal regression model
MA Ali, MS Abu-Salih, SK Titi
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 17 (6), 1741-1761, 1988
Bayes Estimation of Parameters of First Order Autoregressive Process
MS Abu-Salih, AA Abd-Alla
Developments in Water Science 27, 405-417, 1986
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Articles 1–20