Dr. Anirban Dasgupta
Dr. Anirban Dasgupta
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
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A Vision-Based System for Monitoring the Loss of Attention in Automotive Drivers
A Dasgupta, A George, SL Happy, A Routray
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (4), 1-14, 2013
A smartphone-based drowsiness detection and warning system for automotive drivers
A Dasgupta, D Rahman, A Routray
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 20 (11), 4045-4054, 2018
Automated alertness and emotion detection for empathic feedback during e-learning
SL Happy, A Dasgupta, P Patnaik, A Routray
2013 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Technology for Education (t4e …, 2013
A multimodal system for assessing alertness levels due to cognitive loading
A Sengupta, A Dasgupta, A Chaudhuri, A George, A Routray, R Guha
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (7 …, 2017
An on-board vision based system for drowsiness detection in automotive drivers
A Dasgupta, A George, SL Happy, A Routray, T Shanker
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied …, 2013
A two-stage framework for denoising electrooculography signals
A Dasgupta, S Chakraborty, A Routray
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 31, 231-237, 2017
A portable personality recognizer based on affective state classification using spectral fusion of features
A Basu, A Dasgupta, A Thyagharajan, A Routray, R Guha, P Mitra
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 9 (3), 330-342, 2018
A video database of human faces under near infra-red illumination for human computer interaction applications
SL Happy, A Dasgupta, A George, A Routray
2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction …, 2012
Analysis of training parameters for classifiers based on Haar-like features to detect human faces
S Gupta, A Dasgupta, A Routray
2011 International Conference on Image Information Processing, 1-4, 2011
A low-cost, wearable, portable EOG recording system
A Chaudhuri, A Dasgupta, S Chakrborty, A Routray
2016 International conference on systems in medicine and biology (ICSMB …, 2016
Video & EOG based investigation of pure saccades in human subjects
A Chaudhuri, A Dasgupta, A Routray
2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction …, 2012
Evaluation of denoising techniques for EOG signals based on SNR estimation
A Dasgupta, S Chakrborty, A Chaudhuri, A Routray
2016 International Conference on Systems in Medicine and Biology (ICSMB …, 2016
A real time algorithm for detection of spectacles leading to eye detection
M Singvi, A Dasgupta, A Routray
2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction …, 2012
Robust face recognition of inferior quality images using local gabor phase quantization
S Bhattacharya, A Dasgupta, A Routray
2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium (TechSym), 294-298, 2016
A novel pipeline for improving optical character recognition through post-processing using natural language processing
A Rakshit, S Mehta, A Dasgupta
2023 IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), 01-06, 2023
Development of a wireless wearable electrooculogram recorder for IoT based applications
S Chakraborty, A Dasgupta, P Dash, A Routray
2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE …, 2017
An improved algorithm for eye corner detection
A Dasgupta, A Mandloi, A George, A Routray
2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2016
Identification of eye saccadic signatures in electrooculography data using time-series motifs
A Dasgupta, S Chakraborty, P Mondal, A Routray
2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), 1-5, 2016
A thermographic method for detecting respiratory alkalosis by monitoring breath patterns
A Basu, A Dasgupta, A Routray
2016 International Conference on Systems in Medicine and Biology (ICSMB), 26-30, 2016
Localization of eye Saccadic signatures in Electrooculograms using sparse representations with data driven dictionaries
S Chakraborty, A Dasgupta, A Routray
Pattern Recognition Letters 139, 104-111, 2020
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Articles 1–20