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Cited by
Evidence of seed transmission of dolichos yellow mosaic virus, a begomovirus infecting lablab-bean in India
V Suruthi, S Nakkeeran, P Renukadevi, VG Malathi, V Rajasree
VirusDisease 29, 506-512, 2018
Underutilized vegetables as rich source of medicinal value: A boon for the pharmaceutical industries and farmer income
R Kumar, V Rajasree, L Sagar, U Tripura, K Karthick, R Karthick, ...
International Journal of Chemical Studies 6 (4), 3320-3323, 2018
Effect of foliar application of micronutrients on growth, yield and economics of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.).
VA Sathiyamurthy, T Shanmugasundaram, V Rajasree, T Arumugam
Breeding vegetables for nutritional security
V Rajasree, L Pugalendhi
Veganism-a fashion trend or food as a medicine, 2021
Characterization of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) subgroup IB infecting chilli in Tamil Nadu, India
J Vinodhini, L Rajendran, M Raveendran, V Rajasree, G Karthikeyan
3 Biotech 10, 1-10, 2020
Studies on correlation and path analysis of yield attributes in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
K Karthick, T Arumugam, V Rajasree, KN Ganesan, M Karthikeyan
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (6), 342-345, 2019
Nutrient availability of selected leafy vegetables at micro green stage grown in vertical gardening
VN Kusumitha, V Rajasree, R Swarnapriya, D Uma, P Meenakshi
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10 (1), 2226-2228, 2021
Morphological changes in the compatible grafts of tomato cv. PKM 1 with different solanaceous rootstocks
A Priyanka, KB Sujatha, T Sivakumar, V Rajasree
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3), 2416-2419, 2019
Correlation and path coefficient analysis studies in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex poir) for yield and quality traits
R Kumar, V Rajasree, S Praneetha, S Rajeswari, U Tripura
Journal homepage: http://www. ijcmas. com 7 (05), 2018, 2018
Performance of grafted brinjal (Solanum melongena L) under different spacing and fertigation levels
N Assinapol, S Praneetha, V Rajasree
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 6 (2), 307-311, 2017
Antifouling activity of a marine epibiotic bacterium from the seaweed sargassum wightii
V Rajasree, S Satheesh, SGP Vincent
Thalassas 28 (2), 37-43, 2012
Evaluation and assessment of genetic variability of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes
K Karthick, T Arumugam, V Rajasree, KN Ganesan, M Karthikeyan
Journal of Pharma Innovation 8 (11), 156-160, 2019
Evaluation of parents and hybrids of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) for yield and resistance to chilli leaf curl disease
P Nivedha, V Rajasree, T Arumugam, M Karthikeyan, V Thiruvengadam
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3), 4763-4766, 2019
Influence of different training systems in cucumber under naturally ventilated poly house
GV Rajalingam, V Rajasree, T Arumugam, T Saraswathi
International Journal of Chemical Studies 5 (6), 1453-1455, 2017
Biofilm inhibitory activity of extracellular polymeric substance produced by Exiguobacterium sp. associated with the polychaete Platynereis dumerilii
V Rajasree, CVS Shankar, S Satheesh, SMJ Punitha
Thalassas 30 (2), 13-19, 2014
Vegetable grafting: a recent advance in olericulture: a review
RV Kumar, RL Sagar, AN Ahuja, SK Karthick, A Mehta, R Rajesh Saini
Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 7 (09), 1877-1882, 2018
Integrated weed management on growth, yield and economics in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) under kharif.
V Rajasree, VA Sathiyamurthy, T Shanmugasundaram, T Arumugam
Heterosis breeding in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir.) for small size, thick flesh with high yield and β-carotene
R Kumar, V Rajasree, S Praneetha, S Rajeswari, S Khuntia
Int. J. Chem. Stud 6, 81-85, 2018
Per se Performance of Pumpkin Hybrids for Small Size, Thick Flesh with High Yield and Quality Traits
R Kumar, V Rajasree, S Praneetha, S Rajeswari, U Tripura, ...
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 7 (6), 2591-2598, 2018
In vitro protocol for direct organogenesis in Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl
T Devi, V Rajasree, V Premalakshmi, K Hemaprabha, S Praneetha
Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 6 (4), 2392-402, 2017
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Articles 1–20