B Ananthanarayan
B Ananthanarayan
Professor, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
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The international linear collider technical design report-volume 1: Executive summary
T Behnke, JE Brau, B Foster, J Fuster, M Harrison, JME Paterson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.6327, 2013
The international linear collider technical design report-volume 2: physics
H Baer, T Barklow, K Fujii, Y Gao, A Hoang, S Kanemura, J List, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.6352, 2013
Roy equation analysis of ππ scattering
B Ananthanarayan, G Colangelo, J Gasser, H Leutwyler
Physics Reports 353 (4), 207-279, 2001
Polarized positrons and electrons at the linear collider
G Moortgat-Pick, T Abe, G Alexander, B Ananthanarayan, AA Babich, ...
Physics Reports 460 (4-5), 131-243, 2008
Top-quark-mass prediction from supersymmetric grand unified theories
B Ananthanarayan, G Lazarides, Q Shafi
Physical Review D 44 (5), 1613, 1991
Radiative electroweak breaking and sparticle spectroscopy with tan β⋍ mt/mb
B Ananthanarayan, G Lazarides, Q Shafi
Physics Letters B 300 (3), 245-250, 1993
Consistency of the chiral pion-pion scattering amplitudes with axiomatic constraints
B Ananthanarayan, D Toublan, G Wanders
Physical Review D 51 (3), 1093, 1995
Four-point correlator constraints on electromagnetic chiral parameters and resonance effective Lagrangians
B Ananthanarayan, B Moussallam
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (06), 047, 2004
Electromagnetic corrections in the anomaly sector
B Ananthanarayan, B Moussallam
Journal of High Energy Physics 2002 (05), 052, 2002
Improved predictions for top quark, lightest supersymmetric particle, and Higgs scalar masses
B Ananthanarayan, Q Shafi, XM Wang
Physical Review D 50 (9), 5980, 1994
Ilc reference design report volume 1-executive summary
J Brau, Y Okada, N Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:0712.1950, 2007
Scalar form factors of light mesons
B Ananthanarayan, I Caprini, G Colangelo, J Gasser, H Leutwyler
Physics Letters B 602 (3-4), 218-225, 2004
Comparison of scattering in SU (3) chiral perturbation theory and dispersion relations
B Ananthanarayan, P Buettiker
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 19 (3), 517-528, 2001
ILC reference design report volume 3-accelerator
N Phinney, N Toge, N Walker
arXiv preprint arXiv:0712.2361, 2007
Perturbative expansion of the QCD Adler function improved by renormalization-group summation and analytic continuation in the Borel plane
G Abbas, B Ananthanarayan, I Caprini, J Fischer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (1), 014008, 2013
International Linear Collider reference design report
J Brau, Y Okada, NJ Walker, A Djouadi, J Lykken, K Monig, M Oreglia, ...
ILC, 2007
Electromagnetic charge radius of the pion at high precision
B Ananthanarayan, I Caprini, D Das
Physical review letters 119 (13), 132002, 2017
sum rules and the SU (3) chiral expansion
B Ananthanarayan, P Buettiker, B Moussallam
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 22 (1), 133-148, 2001
Sparticle mass spectrum in grand unified theories
B Ananthanarayan, PN Pandita
International Journal of Modern Physics A 22 (19), 3229-3259, 2007
Prospects for precise predictions of in the Standard Model
G Colangelo, M Davier, AX El-Khadra, M Hoferichter, C Lehner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.15810, 2022
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Articles 1–20