Cited by
Cited by
Comparative analysis of machine learning based filtering techniques using MovieLens dataset
MT Alam, S Ubaid, SS Sohail, M Nadeem, S Hussain, J Siddiqui
Procedia Computer Science 194, 210-217, 2021
Towards a two-tier architecture for privacy-enabled recommender systems (PeRS)
Shakil, M Arif, SS Sohail, MT Alam, S Ubaid, MT Nafis, G Wang
Inernational Conference on Ubiquitous Security, 268-278, 2021
A neutrosophic cognitive map based approach to explore the health deterioration factors
MTA Shakil, S Ubaid, SS Sohail, MA Alam
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 41 (2021), 198, 2021
Sustainable Approach for University Ranking System
SS Sohail, J Siddiqui, MTA Shakil, S Ubaid, J Ahmed, MA Alam
ICIDSSD 2020, 257, 2021
It’s your turn, are you ready to get vaccinated? Towards an exploration of vaccine hesitancy using sentiment analysis of Instagram posts
MT Alam, SS Sohail, S Ubaid, Shakil, Z Ali, M Hijji, AKJ Saudagar, ...
Mathematics 10 (22), 4165, 2022
The impact of randomized algorithm over recommender system
S Ubaid, MT Alam, SS Sohail, IK Saifi, T Mufti, A Aziz, MT Nafis
Procedia Computer Science 194, 218-223, 2021
COVID-19 and beyond: leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced outbreak control
F Farhat, SS Sohail, MT Alam, S Ubaid, Shakil, M Ashhad, DØ Madsen
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6, 1266560, 2023
Rising cyber crime in rural India: a review
S Ubaid, MT Shakil Alam, SS Sohail
Int Adv Res Sci Comm Tech, 199-205, 2021
Performance Comparison of Randomized and Non-Randomized Learning Algorithms based Recommender Systems.
M Nadeem, M Wasid, M Nadeem, MT Alam, SS Sohail, S Ubaid, ...
International Journal of Next-Generation Computing 13 (3), 2022
A Novel Framework for Privacy Enabled Healthcare Recommender Systems
Shakil, S Ubaid, SS Sohail, MT Alam, SA Khan, SH Hasan, T Mufti
Artificial Intelligence for Smart Healthcare, 463-475, 2023
A Two Stage Homomorphic Encryption Based Framework For Securing Users Privacy in Producing Online Recommendation
SSS Shakil, Syed Ubaid, Mohammed Talha Alam
IN Patent 49/2,020, 2020
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Articles 1–11