T.A. Abinandanan
T.A. Abinandanan
Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
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Phase separating bulk metallic glass: a hierarchical composite
BJ Park, HJ Chang, DH Kim, WT Kim, K Chattopadhyay, TA Abinandanan, ...
Physical review letters 96 (24), 245503, 2006
The coarsening kinetics of two misfitting particles in an anisotropic crystal
WC Johnson, TA Abinandanan, PW Voorhees
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 38 (7), 1349-1367, 1990
Phase field study of precipitate rafting under a uniaxial stress
MP Gururajan, TA Abinandanan
Acta Materialia 55 (15), 5015-5026, 2007
Microstructure development during dissimilar welding: Case of laser welding of Ti with Ni involving intermetallic phase formation
S Chatterjee, TA Abinandanan, K Chattopadhyay
Journal of materials science 41, 643-652, 2006
Grain boundary effects on spinodal decomposition: II. Discontinuous microstructures
H Ramanarayan, TA Abinandanan
Acta materialia 52 (4), 921-930, 2004
Phase formation in Ti/Ni dissimilar welds
S Chatterjee, TA Abinandanan, K Chattopadhyay
Materials Science and Engineering: A 490 (1-2), 7-15, 2008
Coarsening of elastically interacting coherent particles—I. Theoretical formulation
TA Abinandanan, WC Johnson
Acta metallurgica et materialia 41 (1), 17-25, 1993
An extended Cahn-Hilliard model for interfaces with cubic anisotropy
TA Abinandanan, F Haider
Philosophical Magazine A 81 (10), 2457-2479, 2001
Phase field study of grain boundary effects on spinodal decomposition
H Ramanarayan, TA Abinandanan
Acta materialia 51 (16), 4761-4772, 2003
Coarsening of elastically interacting coherent particles—II. Simulations of preferential coarsening and particle migrations
TA Abinandanan, WC Johnson
Acta metallurgica et materialia 41 (1), 27-39, 1993
Computer simulations of diffusional phase transformations: Monte Carlo algorithm and application to precipitation of ordered phases
TA Abinandanan, F Haider, G Martin
Acta materialia 46 (12), 4243-4255, 1998
Thermal Stability of Spherical Nanoporous Aggregates and Formation of Hollow Structures by Sintering A Phase-Field Study
R Mukherjee, T Chakrabarti, EA Anumol, TA Abinandanan, ...
ACS nano 5 (4), 2700-2706, 2011
Phase field study of precipitate growth: Effect of misfit strain and interface curvature
R Mukherjee, TA Abinandanan, MP Gururajan
Acta Materialia 57 (13), 3947-3954, 2009
A study of phase separation in ternary alloys
S Bhattacharyya, TA Abinandanan
Bulletin of Materials Science 26, 193-197, 2003
A phase field study of morphological instabilities in multilayer thin films
BG Chirranjeevi, TA Abinandanan, MP Gururajan
Acta Materialia 57 (4), 1060-1067, 2009
Phase field modelling of rayleigh instabilities in the solid-state
C Joshi, TA Abinandanan, A Choudhury
Acta Materialia 109, 286-291, 2016
Spinodal decomposition in polycrystalline alloys
H Ramanarayan, TA Abinandanan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 318 (1-2), 213-219, 2003
Particles with selective wetting affect spinodal decomposition microstructures
S Ghosh, A Mukherjee, TA Abinandanan, S Bose
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (23), 15424-15432, 2017
Application of effective potential formalism to mechanical alloying in Ag–Cu and Cu–Fe systems
N Ravishankar, TA Abinandanan, K Chattopadhyay
Materials Science and Engineering: A 304, 413-417, 2001
Microstructure formation in dissimilar metal welds: electron beam welding of Ti/Ni
S Chatterjee, TA Abinandanan, GM Reddy, K Chattopadhyay
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 769-776, 2016
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Articles 1–20