Anurag Nishad
Anurag Nishad
BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus
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Cited by
Cross-terms reduction in the Wigner–Ville distribution using tunable-Q wavelet transform
RB Pachori, A Nishad
Signal Processing 120, 288-304, 2016
Application of TQWT based filter-bank for sleep apnea screening using ECG signals
A Nishad, RB Pachori, UR Acharya
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-12, 2024
Automated classification of hand movements using tunable-Q wavelet transform based filter-bank with surface electromyogram signals
A Nishad, A Upadhyay, RB Pachori, UR Acharya
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 96-110, 2019
Classification of emotions from EEG signals using time‐order representation based on the S‐transform and convolutional neural network
SK Khare, A Nishad, A Upadhyay, V Bajaj
Electronics Letters 56 (25), 1359-1361, 2020
Classification of epileptic electroencephalogram signals using tunable-Q wavelet transform based filter-bank
A Nishad, RB Pachori
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 15 (1), 877-891, 2024
Focal EEG signal detection based on constant-bandwidth TQWT filter-banks
V Gupta, A Nishad, RB Pachori
2018 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2018
Classification of epileptic EEG signals using sparse spectrum based empirical wavelet transform
A Nishad, A Upadhyay, G Ravi Shankar Reddy, V Bajaj
Electronics Letters 56 (25), 1370-1372, 2020
Classification of epileptic electroencephalogram signals using tunable-q wavelet transform based filter-bank. J Ambient Intell Humaniz Comput. 2020
A Nishad, RB Pachori
S12652-020-01722-8/METRICS.[CrossRef][Google Scholar], 0
Empirical wavelet transform based classification of surface electromyogram signals for hand movements
A Nishad, A Upadhyay
Modelling and Analysis of Active Biopotential Signals in Healthcare 1, 9.1–9.31, 2020
Instantaneous fundamental frequency estimation of speech signals using tunable- wavelet transform
A Nishad, RB Pachori
2018 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2018
Tunable Q wavelet transform based filter banks for non stationary signals analysis and classification
A Nishad
Indore, 2019
Basic hand movement classification using Q factor based wavelet scattering transform
G Krishnan, A Nishad, A Upadhyay
19th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks, 2024
Estimation of the instantaneous frequency of mono-components in non-stationary signals using wavelet transform with dynamic Q values
AR Abraham, A Nishad, A Upadhyay
19th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks, 2024
Unsupervised and supervised machine learning model for cross-terms suppression in Wigner-Ville distribution of non-stationary signals
AS Kamat, JGF Sa, A Nishad, A Upadhyay
5th International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Signal Processing …, 2024
Larynx Function prediction using tunable-Q wavelet transform based filter bank using Surface EMG Data
Y Chauhan, S Kakkar, T Joshi, A Nishad, A Upadhyay
7th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and …, 2024
Empirical wavelet transform based classification of surface electromyogram signals for hand movements
A Nishad, A Upadhyay
Modelling and analysis of active biopotential signals in healthcare 1, 9.1-9.31, 0
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Articles 1–16