Dr. Satadal Saha
Dr. Satadal Saha
Professor, Dept. of ECE, MCKV Institute of Engineering, Howrah, India
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Cited by
A Hough transform based technique for text segmentation
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.4048, 2010
License Plate localization from vehicle images: An edge based multi-stage approach
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering 1 (1), 284, 2009
Deep Learning: Research and Applications
S Bhattacharyya, V Snasel, AE Hassanien, S Saha, BK Tripathy
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2020
2dSpAn: semiautomated 2-d segmentation, classification and analysis of hippocampal dendritic spine plasticity
S Basu, D Plewczynski, S Saha, M Roszkowska, M Magnowska, ...
Bioinformatics 32 (16), 2490-2498, 2016
Automatic Localization and Recognition of License Plate Characters for Indian Vehicles
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri
International Journal of Computer Science & Emerging Technologies 2 (4), 2011
iLPR: an Indian license plate recognition system
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74 (23), 10621-10656, 2015
Image binarization based on grey membership parameter of pixels
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
US Patent 8,744,208, 2014
Localization of license plates from surveillance camera images: A color feature based ann approach
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
Int. J. Comput. Appl 1 (23), 25-31, 2010
Development of an automated red light violation detection system (RLVDS) for Indian vehicles
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.6052, 2010
An offline technique for localization of license plates for indian commercial vehicles
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.1072, 2010
Text localization in camera captured images using fuzzy distance transform based adaptive stroke filter
S Paul, S Saha, S Basu, PK Saha, M Nasipuri
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 18017-18036, 2019
An Analytical Study of Different Document Image Binarization Methods
M Nandy (Pal), S Saha
IEEE National Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (COCOSYS-09 …, 2009
Image binarization based on grey membership parameters of pixels
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
US Patent 8,406,554, 2013
A review on automatic license plate recognition system
S Saha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.09385, 2019
A comparative study of fiber Bragg grating based tilt sensors
S Saha, K Biswas
Rev. Comput. Eng. Stud. 4 (1), 41-46, 2017
A novel scheme for binarization of vehicle images using hierarchical histogram equalization technique
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information …, 2009
License plate localization using vertical edge map and hough transform based technique
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Design …, 2012
Localization of license plates from Indian vehicle images using iterative edge Map generation technique
S Saha, S Basu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
J Comput 3 (6), 48-57, 2011
Automatic identification of fracture region within bone in x-ray image
A Ghosh, S Saha
2018 2nd international conference on electronics, materials engineering …, 2018
Deep-Fuzz: A synergistic integration of deep learning and fuzzy water flows for fine-grained nuclei segmentation in digital pathology
N Das, S Saha, M Nasipuri, S Basu, T Chakraborti
Plos one 18 (6), e0286862, 2023
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Articles 1–20