Y Appalanaidu
Y Appalanaidu
Associate Professor, Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam
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Stochastic creep damage growth due to random thermal fluctuations using continuum damage mechanics
Y Appalanaidu, Y Vyas, S Gupta
Procedia Engineering 55, 805-811, 2013
Probabilistic damage estimation in piping components against thermal creep and fatigue
Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta
Nuclear Engineering and Design 273, 202-214, 2014
Experime ntal Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer Augmentat ion Using Zno-Proplyene Glycol Nanofluids In A Automobile Radiator
PKS Tejes, DY Appalanaidu
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8 (7), 1132-1143, 2017
3-D stochastic finite elements for thermal creep analysis of piping structures with spatial material inhomogeneities
Y Appalanaidu, A Roy, S Gupta
Acta Mechanica 228, 3039-3062, 2017
Stochastic creep damage estimation in pipings with spatial non-Gaussian uncertainties using spectral stochastic finite element method
ARSG Y. Appalanaidu
International Conference on Structural Integrity, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, 1095-1102, 2014
Energy, Exergy and Energy Audit Analysis of Vijayawada Thermal Power Station
PVKYAN B. Sairamkrishna
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (6), 4308-15, 2019
Investigation of the dynamic behavior of hybrid composites using finite element and experimental method
NSSKS Rakesh Chandmal Sharma, L.V.V. Gopala Rao, Badavatu Srikar, Srihari ...
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2025
Noise Models in Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Creep Damage Growth and Residual Life Assessment
Y Vyas, Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 14, 259-264, 2014
Probabilistic study on static, modal analysis and fatigue life of a connecting rod
MYRPVK Y. Appalanaidu
International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2020
Experimental investigation of heat transfer coefficient and friction factor in double pipe heat exchanger with and without twisted tape inserts using ZnO propylene glycol nano …
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8 (8), 94-106, 2018
Probabilistic study of thermal stress variation in thick cylindrical pipe using finite element method
YAS Abrar
National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, PVPSIT …, 2017
A Comparative study on tensile properties of hybrid composites
YAVS B. James Prasada Rao
5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials,K L …, 2017
A 3-D stochastic finite element approach for damage estimation in piping structures against thermal creep and fatigue
ARSG Y. Appalanaidu
7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue interaction …, 2016
Stochastic damage growth in circular pipes carrying high temperature fluids
Y Appalanaidu
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2015
Probabilistic residual life assessment against thermal fatigue and creep
Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and …, 2013
Probabilistic residual life assessment against thermal fatigue and creep
YAS Gupta
Safety, Reliability and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and …, 2013
Stochastic creep damage growth due to random thermal fluctuations using continuum damage mechanics
YVSG Y. Appalanaidu
6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue interaction …, 2012
A stochastic continuum damage mechanics approach to residual life assessment of structural components
YASG Yash Vyas
National Conference on Advances in Composites and Solid Mechanics, Vadodara, 2011
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Articles 1–18