Himansu K De
Himansu K De
CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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Cited by
Adaptation and mitigation strategies of climate change impact in freshwater aquaculture in some states of India
S Adhikari, CA Keshav, G Barlaya, R Rathod, RN Mandal, S Ikmail, ...
Journal of FisheriesSciences. com 12 (1), 16-21, 2018
Fish Farmers’ perceived constraints in transfer of aquaculture technology in Bishnupur district of Manipur, India
DK Pandey, HK De, B Hijam
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2, 1-4, 2014
Training Needs of Agro-input Dealers in South 24 Parganas District of West Bengal
AK Singh, HK De, PP Pal
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 15 (2), 7-10, 2015
Indigenous people’s attachment to shifting cultivation in the Eastern Himalayas, India: A cross-sectional evidence
DK Pandey, HK De, SK Dubey, B Kumar, S Dobhal, P Adhiguru
Forest Policy and Economics 111, 102046, 2020
Entrepreneurial behaviour of tribal fish farmers in Tripura, north-east India
DK Pandey, HK De
Indian Journal of Fisheries 62 (1), 149-152, 2015
Status and economy of community fi sh farming in rural Odisha
GS Saha, HK De, L Safui, AE Eknath, S Adhikari, NK Barik, S Chandra
Indian Journal of Fisheries 60 (4), 59-67, 2013
Role of community in production and supply of larger, quality fingerlings.
R Radheyshyam, HK De, GS Saha
Problems and prospects of agricultural diversification in shifting cultivation area of north east India: An empirical study
DK Pandey, HK De, L Geetarani, BN Hazarika
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3), 69-73, 2019
Integrated farming system: is it a panacea for the resource-poor farm families of rainfed ecosystem
SK Nath, HK De, BK Mohapatra
Curr. Sci., India 110 (6), 969-971, 2016
Rural aquaculture-Now and then
HK De, DK Pandey
Economic Affairs 59 (4), 497-504, 2014
Social media usage among agriculture collegian in north-Eastern India
DK Pandey, HK De, SK Dubey
Indian Journal of Extension Education 56 (2), 26-30, 2020
Constraints in adoption of groundnut cultivation technology by the farmers of Odisha
S Shasani, PK Banerjee, HK De, S Panda
Indian Journal of Extension Education 56 (2), 39-44, 2020
Constraints to community based aquaculture
HK De, GS Saha
Indian J. Ext. Educ 42 (3&4), 66-68, 2006
Agrobiodiversity in changing shifting cultivation landscapes of the Indian Himalayas: An empirical assessment
DK Pandey, S Dobhal, HK De, P Adhiguru, SV Devi, TS Mehra
Landscape and Urban Planning 220, 104333, 2022
Correlates of adoption of groundnut cultivation technology: a micro level study from Odisha
S Shasani, PK Banerjee, HK De, BP Mohapatra, MK Das
Indian Journal of Extension Education 56 (4), 9-13, 2020
Impact of aquaculture field school on community fish farming
HK De, SGS Radheyshyam, L Safui, S Chandra, S Adhikary, NK Barik, ...
Indian J. Fish 63 (2), 154-158, 2016
Constraints analysis of freshwater fish farmers
GS Saha, HK De
J. Ext. Edu, 37-40, 2001
Adoption of improved scientific practices of composite carp culture technology in South 24 Parganas
S Shasani, HK De, MK Das
Indian Journal of Extension Education 56 (1), (1-8, 2020
Strengthening the livelihoods of rural women through polyculture of carps in seasonal ponds
HK De, DN Chattopadhyay, R Radheyshyam, GS Saha, AK Dash, S Pal, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (3), 137-141, 2012
Indigenous technical knowledge vis-a-vis aquaculture nutrition
HK De, GS Saha
Aquaculture Asia 6 (2), 20-24, 2001
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Articles 1–20