Nasir Alam
Nasir Alam
Assistant Professor of Physics, Bankura University
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Protocols of quantum key agreement solely using Bell states and Bell measurement
C Shukla, N Alam, A Pathak
Quantum information processing 13 (11), 2391-2405, 2014
Lower‐and higher‐order nonclassical properties of photon added and subtracted displaced Fock states
P Malpani, N Alam, K Thapliyal, A Pathak, V Narayanan, S Banerjee
Annalen der Physik 531 (2), 1800318, 2019
Quantum phase properties of photon added and subtracted displaced Fock states
P Malpani, K Thapliyal, N Alam, A Pathak, V Narayanan, S Banerjee
Annalen der Physik 531 (11), 1900141, 2019
Impact of photon addition and subtraction on nonclassical and phase properties of a displaced Fock state
P Malpani, K Thapliyal, N Alam, A Pathak, V Narayanan, S Banerjee
Optics Communications 459, 124964, 2020
Higher-order nonclassicalities of finite dimensional coherent states: A comparative study
N Alam, A Verma, A Pathak
Physics Letters A 382 (28), 1842-1851, 2018
Lower-and higher-order nonclassicality in a Bose-condensed optomechanical-like system and a Fabry-Perot cavity with one movable mirror: squeezing, antibunching and entanglement
N Alam, K Thapliyal, A Pathak, B Sen, A Verma, S Mandal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03967, 2017
Nonclassical properties of coherent light in a pair of coupled anharmonic oscillators
N Alam, S Mandal
Optics Communications 359, 221-233, 2016
Bose-condensed optomechanical-like system and a Fabry–Perot cavity with one movable mirror: quantum correlations from the perspectives of quantum optics
N Alam, K Thapliyal, A Pathak, B Sen, A Verma, S Mandal
The European Physical Journal D 73, 1-12, 2019
Approximate analytical solutions of a pair of coupled anharmonic oscillators
N Alam, S Mandal, P Öhberg
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (4), 045503, 2015
Manipulating nonclassicality via quantum state engineering processes: Vacuum filtration and single photon addition
P Malpani, N Alam, K Thapliyal, A Pathak, V Narayanan, S Banerjee
Annalen der Physik 532 (1), 1900337, 2020
Higher-order nonclassical properties of a shifted symmetric cat state and a one-dimensional continuous superposition of coherent states
N Alam, K Mandal, A Pathak
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 57, 3443-3456, 2018
On the quantum phase fluctuations of coherent light in a chain of two anharmonic oscillators coupled through a linear one
N Alam, S Mandal
Optics Communications 366, 340-348, 2016
Generalized binomial state: Nonclassical features observed through various witnesses and a quantifier of nonclassicality
K Mandal, N Alam, A Verma, A Pathak, J Banerji
Optics Communications 445, 193-203, 2019
Generalized binomial state: Nonclassical features observed through various witnesses and a measure of nonclassicality
K Mandal, N Alam, A Verma, A Pathak, J Banerji
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.10557, 2018
Quantum Phase Properties: Quantum Phase Properties of Photon Added and Subtracted Displaced Fock States (Ann. Phys. 11/2019).
P Malpani, K Thapliyal, N Alam, A Pathak, V Narayanan, S Banerjee
Annalen der Physik 531 (11), 2019
Orthogonal-state-based protocols of quantum key agreement
C Shukla, N Alam, A Pathak
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.1435, 2013
Nonclassical properties of finite dimensional coherent states
N Alam
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Articles 1–17